I found John to be consistently thoughtful about how I could most efficiently make progress towards the goal, an excellent coach in the cockpit, and a font of real world piloting experience. I have no hesitation recommending AFIT to anyone who is prepared to put in the effort, is serious about getting a PPL, and needs to minimise the opportunity cost of taking time off from a non-flying professional career. It was great instruction and great support to get me through the process. Looking up when I hear a plane in the sky doesnt make me jealous anymore! The Rexburg training center in February was extreme weather conditions. Fly Arkansas, LLC is the only flight training provider in North Central Arkansas. I recommend Oleg to any incoming student to the AFIT program. Before the pandemic, I was working towards my certificate with a Part 61 CFI part-time flying once or twice a week. The best part of the experience was my instructor, Greg. He possesses an amazing wealth of aviation knowledge, which he shared freely throughout the time I spent with him. This is a full, 3-day, all-day, intensive training program, with your personal flight instructor, to ensure you pass the FAA written exam and must be scheduled in advance to ensure availability. For those who are willing to spend two concentrated weeks focusing only on flying, I believe that AFIT is by far the best route to take. I met Gil in Van Nuys and dove straight into review and training completion and was finished in 9 days. More right rudder! 14 Day Private Pilot Training Thank you. Cholena will adapt her teaching of ideas and techniques until she finds the approach that suits you. Would recommendtheAFIT crew to anyone looking for a solid program to learn to fly! I plan on returning when my schedule permits me for an Instrument rating and multi rating. About a week before my trip to Van Nuys I was put in contact with the CFI, Fady, who I would be working with for the duration of the course. I let time take its course and Greg taught me everything I needed plus heaps more. I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you how impressed I was with your course. The plan was completely laid out from start to finish, I felt like every day had a purpose. Next, IFR! When you work with Paul there is no question that he truly cares about his students and their success.The course itself is extremely challenging. John was a great instructor, he was very focused and made sure that I would be a safe pilot anytime I was acting as PIC and not just for the check ride. he also supports and teaches aviation at local high schools and colleges. He got up early with me to practice right before the check ride and gave me the time I needed that resulted in me passing my check ride. Michael was a fantastic instructor that dove right in and pushed me to my limits each and every day, both tailoring every flight to very specific purposes yet ensuring I never forgot how much fun it is to actually get out there and fly. Needless to say, I unhesitatingly recommend A.F.I.T. I found the course to be intense and challenging, however I enjoyed this as flying was my life for two weeks. The worst part (in my opinion) of training like this is all of the general knowledge that feels like pure memorization. With no experience flying a Cessna 172 and just a few hours of introductory flight lessons over the past 20 years, I was stunned how quickly my instructor, Ruben, was able to transform me from lifelong aviation enthusiast to pilot. There were moments of doubt, but John kept me focused on the end state. During my 14 day training we experienced intense weather but Sean was flexible and adapted his training not only to my personal learning curve but also to the weather conditions. I hadnt flown for 8 months and had booked 7 days to get me to completion. I couldnt imagine learning aviation any other way than with AFIT. AFIT was a great program for earning my pilots license quickly. Competitor. I feel that I learned things much more in-depth being able to do it in one contiguous session rather than trying to schedule all of the time at a local airport with younger less experienced CFIs. Thank you for delivering on the promise of accelerated flight instruction. The 14 day program was a win for me. I cannot speak highly enough about Tony, my flight instructor Andy, and the AFIT course. John instilled the skills and technique that I needed to accomplish any landings, at any given wind angle and speed. The Van Nuys airport was a great base for training as the busy airspace gave me lots of opportunity to practice my comms and get comfortable in crowded airspace. Im pleased to say however that in 10 days (9 flying) that I went home having passed my check ride. The CFI is a different beast and mostly needs your self . Thank you for getting me over the finish line in my training. I really appreciate him pushing me to be the best pilot I can be. Two weeks of constant learning. However, my CFI, Andy. Bio Pages . All the flight schools in my area were booked and I was laughed at when I mentioned it needed to be done by the end of the next month. It was truly an immersion experience. PPL Finish-Up, IFR and Commercial Training / KLHM, I am so happy I found AFIT. Ive tried flight training the traditional way, there really is no comparison. I researched several other accelerated programs before signing up with AFIT, however, none of them displayed the level of courtesy and professionalism I found with your company. I had a fantastic experience learning to fly with Abe in Van Nuys, The accelerated training with Andy was a great experience that flew by. I have a much better understanding of what I need to do to prepare and be ready for the next rating. I know, were a dime a dozen now. This is the biggest plus. Our 14 Day Start-to-Finish Accelerated Private Pilot course is normally completed at our Harrison, AR (KHRO) location. The result was 92% for the PPL written and 93% for the IR. It was a joy to be his student for two weeks. Thanks again for your steadfast support in getting me through the program and getting certificated. Yep, it was heavy a total immersion in flying but success only comes after hard work! Mike is the best instructor Ive ever worked with. For me, this will be the start of continuous learning and skills improvement for private piloting. Mike was always encouraging, even when I doubted myself. I dont think I ever waited more than a couple of hours to receive a return email from you with answers to my questions. I have learned a tremendous amount about piloting and aviation in this really very short time, both knowledge and skills. John is an excellent instructor, very patient and always ready with tips to ace all PPL maneuvers. Thank you again to Ruben and the A.F.I.T. GET IT DONE WITH THESE GUYS worth every penny. The entire experience was great. Thanks Rhonda! If you are interested in the Airline Career Pilot Program, the best way to experience training at ATP and learn about our facilities is to schedule an Admissions Flight. Ruben made it the most enjoyable process along the way and like I had previously stated, he was willing to do anything for me to get my check ride behind me! I wanted to thank you for all of your help in getting everything set up for me to do the accelerated training with Todd. A third-class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus, 24 calendar months for operations requiring a third class medical certificate, if the airman is age 40 or over on or before the date of the examination, or. The flight training program starts with Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, Multi Engine Rating, and Airline Transport Pilot Professional, Boeing 737NG and Airbus A320 Type Rating. I shudder to think of where I might be today if I had not written that e-mail and taken the call with Tony. As you know Tony, I flew commercially to Texas and purchased a high performance complex aircraft. Our specialized training center offers a different approach . Andy was great and I couldnthave hoped for a better instructor. He was an amazing instructor and very patient with the things I had to work on. He has a way of making complex concepts simple and encourages critical thinkingwhy were doing something, not just how. Andy is a great aviator, a great flight instructor and overall mentor. If you have any life experiences whatsoever that he can help translate into aviation he will do so in order to make it easierfor you. 4,000 hours of Instrument actual and simulated. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to you and Ruben for all of your assistance during my recent flight training. Many Thanks AFIT. Craig was an incredible mentor and friend, I couldnt have asked for a better instructor. Keeping my goals in his mind and helping me get to them was very much appreciated! How quickly you complete the training is based on many factors . His little pack of DVDs contain useful tutorials for everything from US radio technique to IF clearances and real-time emergency scenarios. The checkride went without a hitch and I am now a Private Pilot! Thank you for providing this opportunity for accelerated flight instruction within an excellent learning environment and with a very caring flight instructor who was instrumental in achieving my dream of being able to fly. Just now heading back to Seattle. I had a fantastic experience learning to fly with Abe in Van Nuys. He has demonstrated qualities found only in the best, most seasoned instructors with enviable depth of knowledge, a calming and encouraging method and patience beyond belief. Greg and I spent 8 intensive days together and knocked it out. Its incredible what youre capable of doing in a short period of time, especially when you have a patient and passionate instructor like Jason. Ruben is an excellent flight instructor withareal passion for teaching. Thanks again. Just wanted to drop youa line and mention how happy I was with my training. As you know, In December of 2015 I worked with John at KVNY on my Private Pilot certificate. Thanks so much for pairing me with Mike. Being fully immersed in both flying and ground studies for a shorter period of time will increase the effectiveness of learning. I would highly, highly recommend Michael for anyone looking for a great education, a great friend, and a great flight instructor! Youve got a great product with AFIT! Mike is the most fantastic instructor, knowing just how much to push you to make you learn but then backing off at the right time to make you realise that you have actually learnt it! I had some struggles with steep turns and we must have done 100 steep turn on the day before my check ride. Initially, I felt there was too much material to cover within a short period of time however mike was able to prepare me well for the check-ride. Accelerated Commercial Pilot Training can be accomplished in as little as 5 days depending on the flight time the student has. I started the program with zero hours of flight experience and without having ever even been in a small aircraft. One of the best things that I have ever done! The highly accelerated program let me attain an incredible wealth of knowledge in the optimal and succinct amount of time. I definitely picked the right accelerated PPL program for me with AFIT. This was a long road getting this private pilot license and I was a bit skeptical about doing it in two weeks. Pursuing flying as a hobby has been a dream ever since I realized how accessible GA is in the States. I flew from Michigan to California to meet with John at the Van Nuys Airport. Thanks for putting on a fantastic program. Between his friendly, welcoming nature and his ability to teach in any variety of ways is what made this course fun, incredibly informational, and gave me everything I needed to become a safe pilot. Thanks so much for a successful mission, Ruben!! See you soon AFIT! Tony, the owner,was super helpful and got me in quickly. Your total immersion program was the perfect environment to gain all the necessary skills to become a safe, competent, and confident pilot. My course was amazing and got me moving along way faster than I ever thought possible. Working with Abe first, and then Fady, I was in good hands as I prepared for the oral and practical portions of the checkride. Throughout your AAPT training you will have the opportunity to meet airline recruiters from the regional airlines to discuss career and mentoring opportunities. We have a 90% completion rate and a greater than 90% first time pass rate on the practical test! I will definitely stay with AFIT until my CFII rating. Thank you for getting me set up for my Private Pilot course in Sacramento and an even bigger thank you for pairing me with my senior instructor Mike. I just wanted to take a quick moment of your time to thank you for the excellent PPL experience you made possible for me. I found AFIT after scouring the internet, and got in touch with Tony. If you are looking for a program like this, that allows you to take time out of your busy schedule, and really challenge yourself to get it all done, I recommend AFIT! First off, huge thanks to my instructor, John T. for making the learning process as experiential as possible. I dont think this would have been accommodated without Gregs / AFITs relationship with the DPE, as they are very busy and tightly scheduled. My instructor Paul helped me understand the concepts easily, always making himself available whenever I had questions after class. Toms incredible knowledge and experience kept me calm and focused daily. I literally fell asleep within minutes of returning to the hotel the first 2-3 days thanks to Mike flexing my brain harder than it had been in years. Mackenzie had the best experience possible getting her license and it was truly because of the program that AFIT provides. Mike accepted the challenge, and I believe Im well launched as a confident and safe pilot. AFIT has given me many great skills and memories as I set out to pursue more with my pilots license. I highly recommend AFIT and Ruben as an instructor for anyone interested in doing the AFIT 14 Day Private Pilot Program. He understand the students needs, adds encouragement or constructive criticism when needed and always does so with respect and in a calm manner. With him, I wasted no time and by the time of the check ride, I was beyond prepared. And that goes beyond flying. He pushed me to succeed when I was ready to give up halfway through the week! What I learned on day 1 was I still had a lot to learn. He is a man that has experience and knowledge that far surpasses his age, his patience and the ability to really teach was the key to our success. I still got a lot more positive things to say but looking at all Ive written out so far I think it might be getting to long haha. Anyway, not only did we become friends, Mike truly cared about your safety, and makingabsolutelysure you had the skills and knowledge to fly. At Aspen Flying Club, accelerated students finish their training in approximately 20% fewer hours than the traditional training program. For anyone out there that is considering this training; it works! Cholena was just amazing. This has been an amazing year. I had literally zero flying experience coming into this and I passed my check ride and received several compliments from the FAA Examiner. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Thank you! Furthermore, I could not have asked for a better instructor than Andy. AFIT took me from zero experience to a fully certified private pilot in just two weeks. In looking for an accelerated course for my PPL, I searched the Internet fairly extensively looking for the right fit for me personally and geographically. There was an aircraft dedicated to me those 8 days and it was always in great condition. Thank you both so much for helping me in a difficult position; because of AFIT I am now able to apply for the Reserves Pilot Board which meets at the end of the month. Tony sent me Gregs information along with the description of mature and friendly. I have learned a tremendous amount over the past two weeks and have achieved a significant livelong goal of mine by getting a pilots license. Mt. The syllabus keeps them focused on fundamentals, not distracting details. His airmanship is similarly outstanding. Literally the best instructor Iveever met. A one-on-one; test preparedness course is available for $1,500.00. John is a truly brilliant instructor and even better friend. This knocks out your hours! I was tired of learning to fly one or two hours a week from instructors who simply wanted to build time and apply to the airlines. He got me ready for my checkride within 10 days of starting!! I recommend these guys without hesitation. It wasnt just 8 hours a day of flying. Shawn was fantastic in his teaching ability and diverse flight experience. My instructor Sean went above and beyond to prepare me not only for my check ride, but also to foster my love for flying. They both have a wealth of knowledge. AFIT helped my attain my life long goal at 58 and I couldnt imagine achieving this dream any other way. Since my first email contact with you, right through to my Check Ride, you and Cholena had all the answers, and were able to guide me along what is usually a very daunting path. With no doubt, anybody could complete the two-week program that I have just successfully gone through. I had a great time getting my pilots license. I agree with this, but I also believe that the grounding I received means that I will be continuing my learning on a very sound and safe footing. Five years passed, eroding anything I learned, before I came across A. F. I. T. and the 14-day PPL course. Ruben and I spent the first half of day one going over all my records and by that afternoon we were flying going over the basic flight maneuvers required for the check ride and back to the airport for pattern work. The quality of your instruction, your dedication to me, and the efficiency of the whole program was excellent. To this end, I know I am a better, safer and more knowledgeable pilot now. My instructor, David C., was a great teacher who moved at my pace and really let me go as quick as I wanted. My experience with AFIT has been great, I originally signed up for a 7 days PPL finish up and ended up passing my checkride using only 6 days. I cant say enough about how much fun it was. devoting two solid weeks to my preparation. There are many people who try to obtain their pilots license the traditional way but never progress to their check ride. For the last couple weeks, Ive just been in awe of the quality instruction I received from you. As you know I had been working on this for years and my previous instructors just kept telling me how hard the practical was going to be and for the oral I had to know everything. What I encountered was relatively new CFIs who were just building time for their commercial licenses. They issue all the required Boeing manuals via . I do hope to cross paths again. Eric was fully committed to seeing me succeed and went the extra mile. I really felt like hisand my main goal, everyday for 14 days, was to get me to pass the exam. down to earth and easy to get along with. This made the whole experience so much fun, valuable and memorable. Thank you so much for providing the opportunity to earn my private pilots license during your 14 day private pilots course. It was so important for me to go through the daily repetition of flying, that after the first 4 days it was as easy as just getting into my car. Cant wait to get the Instrument and multi-engine ratings. The compressed 2 week program is intense, come prepared and ready to commit. The days went by incredibly quickly. Thanks for everything, see you again soon. Thanks for your help and getting me scheduled with John, he is the best instructor I have ever had and he knows his craft. The smile on my face on March 20 said it all. See you soon AFIT! The one day out of my seven days of flying with John, that really stood out for me was when John and I did all my cross country and nearly all my solo requirements in one day. IMO the accelerated approach is the best way to get a license from cost, time efficiency, and learning perspectives. Thanks Ruben & Tonyyou will forever be a part of my aviation story! All of this help made this the best flight instruction I have ever had. 25 Hours Ground Instruction. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and John for an amazing experience with the accelerated flight training program. After learning the different flight maneuvers, takeoffs, and landings it was a matter of honing these new skills for the check ride. It was a great and thoroughly enjoyable experience working with John. I went to A.F.I.T. Cost per ticket: 9.97. My PPL journey has been filled with ups and downs, punctuated by an AFIT exclamation right at the end. I am lucky I got paired with a CFI that worked well with my personality. As a 19 year oldaviation flight major, it is quite difficult to get the one on one time you need with an experienced instructor in order to progress and be successful in this field of studies, especially with COVID-19. I would definitely use Ruben again! I cant thank Ruben enough for his help, kindness, knowledge, positivity, even going as far as filming a short video of my flight training progress. In talking with the other instructors there, they were all professionals as well. He also reached out several times leading up to my start date to ask if I had any questions about the material and to make sure my studies were going well. I would recommend the program to anyone. I could not recommendthis program highly enough! From Private Pilot to Airline Pilot, SkyWarrior has tra. I trained for my commercial and CFI with AFIT. I was able to get a nice variety of terrain and fly into several airports as well which was helpful for my training. You could not possibly have been more correct! The two weeks flew by (pardon the pun). I hope to stay in touch with Sean and yourself going forward (hopefully to Instrument rating). Three months ago I decided to become a private pilot. As I closed in on the airport that morning, the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt like all the info I had studied online had rushed out of my head. Even with the added stress of the California fires, Oleg adapted the training and made sure I got all my hours in. WOW, what an amazing two weeks of flying and training I had with My instructor Paul. I would have thought that I just gave up the centerline, until it was too late, but I knew I was holding center and instantly realized it was icy, thus allowing me to make a safe and quick recovery. I have my FREEDOM in flight training. I can not overstate all the CFIs that I meet in Lincoln California Paul, Ruben and Steve are what makes this program work. You have an excellent and concise 14-day PPL training package, which I was somewhat skeptical initially, but I am now living proof of your success formula with my own PPL ! Tony, There is no one else in the world I would rather get my pilots license from than Oleg. Greg had over 8000 plus hours. Overall it was a great program. The experience was better than I ever could have anticipated and I came to AFIT with zero flight experience and walked away a pilot.AFIT utilizes many instructors at many locations so I can only speak to my personal experience in Lincoln with my instructor Paul. Tom is a great pilot, a great instructor, and a great person. Todd is a very knowledgeable pilot and instructor, which was evident due to me ultimately passing my check ride! I just wanted to say thank you for the professional and educational experience that you provided through AFITs Private Pilot program! That I was even ready to attempt a check ride at the FAA minimum hours is really a testament to your skill and tenacity as a flight instructor and I thank you greatly for that. Coming into AFIT I had about 30 hours and had not solo-ed. FAA Minimums. He was very hands off the entire time, and with his instruction I was quickly able to gain confidence and solo within the first week I was there. While Tony, the man behind all the pre-training administrations, has been spontaneous in assisting me to get through all the submissions and approvals, my flight instructor Zbigniew (aka Ziggy) has been most instrumental in training me to successfully pass the FAA flight examinations. He made sure I understood all my material and kept the course moving right along. These factors kept stalling my progress, making me relearn so many of the concepts and not giving me enough motivation to keep going in this endeavor. BTW, i found Abes background in ATC work both fascinating and useful. The course offered exactly what I was looking for; organization, time efficiency, and a remote location with a one-on-one instructor experience at a small airport with a good airplane. Oleg is a very patient and knowledgeable teacher and kept things lively and fun;I had a great time with the program and will always look back on my time there fondly. 4-5 hrs of in-flight training per day. Dont let the price tag stop you, this program is great value for the dollar. I will return shortly for my next level of training. Thank you for the great training 14-Day Private Pilot Course. I had roughly 55 hrs of flight time & training, including a solo endorsement when Ruben met me at the Lincoln, CA pilots lounge. Then, as the saying goes, life got in the way. To top it off a week after I passed my check ride I was getting checked out at my local flying club to fly their airplanes, after landing the instructor said that he was very pleased with the flight and that I must have had a great instructor because I really knew my stuff. All in all, I had a Great Experience. He was indeed mature and friendly. I finally made flying a priority and was able toutilize AFIT and Andys help to achieve a life long dreamof becoming a pilot. My Instructor Jorge was patient and extremely knowledgeable on how to teach. I wanted to thank Todd and AFIT for a great flying experience and for helping me to complete my training.