Originally bred for their meat, the Katahdin tends to have a wider variation of milk production - some ewes producing significantly more (or significantly less) than the average. While weve missed out on export sales the last several years because of retaining ewes to increase flock numbers, Mexican buyers will be coming by this spring. The major disadvantage is that they grow slower and produce a lighter weight carcass than most breeds of European origin. As wild sheep were domesticated, breeding for increased wool came into practice. I have bought a dorper lamb an intend to serve mountain horny ewes with him has it ever being tried out, hi, Request PDF | Signatures of selection in sheep and goats infected with Haemonchus contortus | Host genetic variation for resistance to Haemonchus contortus allows selective breeding of animals for . Other than a few lambs for Hispanic weddings, we sell our slaughter animals through the local auction barn. Dorper Sheep. Ewes will weigh an average of 190 pounds, with rams reaching up to 300 pounds. Cheviots are easy to breed, meeting a 90% lambing average without assistance. Blackbellys often breed easily and well, usually birthing multiple lambs in one breeding. There are without a doubt breeds that surpass White Dorper sheep in one or the other trait. This spring we had an overall lambing average of 1.9 lambs/ewe born with 1.7 lambs weaned. For the Katahdin vs Dorper analysis (Table 1), 8 SNPs under selection were observed in SOCS2, NOS2, TGFB2 and IL2RA genes within OAR3, 11, 12 and 13, respectively. In fact, when we have pot roast from a culled ewe I can still fool my wife into thinking we had lamb for dinner. The breed is actually very good for meat production, and it produce more meat than Dorper and Katahdin sheep. He is a native of Germany and lives in the US since 1995. The Dorper has a high rate of lambing and is tolerant of the arid conditions it was developed for in South Africa. best beef in the word is lamb,i like lamb beef spesialis sate.. Amazing sheep, been breeding the Dorper for sometime now and i must say their adaptability is really outstanding. The phrases youll hear most often is either mutton or lamb. Animals dont grow as fastbut dont need to with milder winters and longer growing season. Hair sheep dont bring as much on the slaughter market. Origin: This breed is sometimes referred to as Barbados Blackbelly, but it is different from the polled Barbados as a result of crosses with European breeds. You have to pay to have it sheared once a year. I could always pick out the dorper/katahdin crosses. Kt ewes under low-input semiarid conditions of northern Mxico. 4 1. Katahdin x Lacaune. This makes them one of the more profitable breeds to specialize in. While many of the characteristics hair animals possess appeal to the hobby flock owner, we expect an animal to make us money; if it doesnt, its gone. Bred Ewes Commercial - Market Sheep. American Blackbelly my ewe with CL has had her first batch of lambs last month and she is a really good mother! This breed averages in maturity at around 175 220 pounds. Hi Joanne. The St Croix are also quiet, but seem to be next on the ladder. Is there any way to contact him? Looking forward to reply. Did you know that Dorper sheep dont need to be sheared? We also sell breeding stock locally. I would never go back to merinos & do not intend having cattle again, My dorper sheep have been lambing only male lambs..i do not know why there are no females being born9males so far..no females. Environmental Adaptability: Well adapted to hot, dry, humid and wet conditions. The other half needed shearing. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Grazing animals put on weight quickly in preparation for the long winters. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare productive performance of F 1 Dp vs . This breed is adaptable and can live in many different climates. I have a very small Dorper ewe, she is 7 months old but very small. (Allardt) "Spike" is a 3 year old ram. I had heard all the negatives about them such as The lambs get too fat, The lambs sell for less money at auctions, The pasture will be littered with wool as these sheep shed, and They get too cold in the winter. Quite a few meat producers are finding better success with the hair breeds of meat sheep than with meat goats. The breed is famous in the United States for its high performance and low maintenance. Bosnians want 60-pound animals while Muslims often prefer 60-80 pound animals. Thirdly how long after separation to market. Though the breed produces wool (and lanolin), it is known to have a particularly mild taste. Your email address will not be published. Since Missouri has more Katahdin sheep than any other state, the majority of export animals come from here. Another goodproductfromhair sheep is leather. 3 year old Dorper Katahdin Ram. Ewes will weigh an average of 190 pounds, with rams reaching up to 300 pounds. Reaching maturity earlier than many breeds, the Suffolk lamb will reach an average of 116 pounds by 100 days of age. There were sequential 2-wk. A list of the breeds of sheep that are thought of as being good ewe breeds would start with (1) Rambouillet sheep such as there are in Texas (2) several kinds of Whitefaced Western sheep, (3) the Dorset breed, which is a white-faced meat breed . Work with your states department of agriculture if youre interested in export sales. so so far we are separating her and letting the pus drain The first rams I purchased were of outstanding shedding ability. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. His information is given at the conclusion of the article, pasted below. 1. To showcase the commercial qualities of our animals, all breeding stock we sell comes directly from pasture, having received no special treatment. Ulf Kintzel owns and manages White Clover Sheep Farm (www.whitecloversheepfarm.com) in Rushville, NY where he breeds grass-fed White Dorper sheep. A caution when breeding is to choose the right size ram for the ewe. The Dorpers get so quiet and even a little lazy that the dogs really have to work hard to make them move much. Im very new here currently living in Virginia. At that weight the fat cover did indeed get too much. There is a growing market demand for high-quality, naturally-fed lamb. However, they all shed around the belly, legs, head, and all the other places that would otherwise prolong shearing. If you plan on going into the meat production business, its important to know the difference between types of sheep meat. Ive seen Shropshire being used to keep weeds and grass down in Christmas tree plantations. Its also possible that some pieces of wool or hair remain along the back or on the hind quarters or arm pits. St. Croix Sheep have been used to develop other breeds such as the Royal White. Katahdin would adapt best under humid, warm conditions, while Dorper would be best suited for dry arid and semiarid rangeland conditions. I've seen some really nice Dorper/Katahdin crosses. Katahdin Sheep work very well in a variety of production situations as a low-maintenance, easy care sheep. Lambing %: Given an average lambing percent of 150 and 3 lambing in 2 years, Dorper will produce 2.25 lambs on an annual basis. Dorset lambs, like the Suffolk and Dorper, mature quickly and are market-ready earlier than many other breeds. Ulf owns and operates White Clover Sheep Farm and breeds and raises grass-fed White Dorper sheep and Kiko goats without any grain feeding and offers breeding stock suitable for grazing. Hair coat becomes thick and long as cold weather sets in and the length decreases. These slaughter lambs sell comparable to pure Katahdin sheep per pound unless theyre full of cockleburs and briars. Average Birth Weight (Lbs): 7.5 lbs for single, 6.5 7 for twins, and less for triplets. The hair sheep breeds lamb easily in the pasture and the lambs gain weight rapidly and develop to maturity quickly. It improves from year one to year two of age but can again be reduced by external factors like disease or weight loss. After 13 years of medical education and military service they landed in Maine to put down roots. Several myths still surround hair sheep. Early maturing Terminal cross lambs. We find its seldom necessary to trim hooves. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');Considered to be the 2nd most popular breed of sheep in the US, the Dorset sheep is another solid meat-producer. For several years weve had Romanov/Katahdin crosses. This has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with the latitude in which the animal lives: Things being equal, our weights will be lower than the weights of similar Katahdins raised in Canada, but higher than ones raised in Florida. With a high rate of multiple births and a gentle temperament, this is a good choice for people looking to start a hair sheep business, particularly in warm climates. To properly flush a ewe, she should be on an upward nutritional plane and gaining weight. Parasitol. The katahdin//dorper crosses are noticeably bigger than the pure katahdins. I shear myself and since I wanted to increase the size of my flock I was not looking forward to shearing even more sheep. He seems pretty big to me, but since he is my first sheep, I dont know what he should weigh. Hair sheep breeds simply shed their hair covering and fleecy undercoat when the weather warms. But the dorpers always have say ten % that need shearing still. We let them be sheep and just help them along. Some general information on hair sheep is found on the next page. Dorper-sired lambs produce carcasses that are most similar in weight and muscling to that of wool breeds, but generally have greater fatness when slaughtered at the same age. This breed is also exceptionally hardy, able to thrive in both the cold, and the hot, humid climates in which many farmers struggle to. In addition, there is almost no incidence of flystrike with hair sheep breeds. FLAVOR This matters up here as our point of having hair sheep is to eliminate useless shearing. They grow quickly and reach market weight early. while letting some lambs reach weights up to 100+ lbs. They naturally shed their wool throughout the seasons. These are some of the best reasons to raise Katahdin sheep - though the list is by no means exhaustive! Coat & Color: Solid white or white with black head. The best genetics wont keep an animal from starving to death. Thank you for stopping by, and best of luck with your farm! Its important to have an animal thats pure or unaltered for sacrifice in observance of many holidays. Are Llamas Dangerous? Origin: This breed was developed or evolved on the Eastern Caribbean Island of Barbados. They are prolific breeders as well, often producing twins. They are hardy and do well in range. Katahdin can be used for both meat and milk, whereas Dorper sheep are only good for meat production. Dorset sheep have lean and muscular carcasses, making them excellent at producing meat. However, if you are not intending to feed grain and if you dont intend to grow your lambs beyond 100 lbs. They are well adapted to a variety of climatic and grazing conditions. Yes, you can milk Dorper sheep! View Details. The Dorper has a high rate of lambing and is tolerant of the arid conditions it was developed for in South Africa. In winter puts on coat that is shed as temperatures increase. The purpose of the breed is to efficiently produce meat. Breed ideal for pasture lambing and grass/forage based management systems. Have good flocking instinct. Dorpers DO NOT shed their coats as well and consistently as katahdins. ByBasil Bactawar, UF/IFAS Duval County Extension Service. Weight Gain/Daily: 0.4 lbs daily with good nutrition. It is raised mainly for meat production. 80 pounds at 90 days can be expected. The Barbados Blackbelly got its name because of the characteristic black belly on an otherwise red brown coat. In Canada, Katahdin sheep commonly gain well over a pound per day. Jacksonville, FL 32254. If you have space to corral a few sheep, you can fill the freezer with a healthy alternative to beef and chicken. While Im sure Ill rile a lot of Dorper breeders, Ive seen too many that had been sheared before a sale, which defeats the purpose of a hair animal. In addition, shearing is not a requirement thereby reducing operational cost. We live in central NSW ( Australia ) our usual rainfall is 30 inchs, temp range from -7 deg to 45 deg C ( yes 115 F ) but over the past 3 years we have been experiencing a huge drought. For specific questions, please contact the author. Since these breeds are so adaptable, when found in colder climates, the hair sheep adapt by growing a thicker undercoat. Vigorous growers, the Icelandic produce lambs that are market-ready at 70-100 pounds in as little as 4-5 months. Just weaned 530 lambs .If we can get some weight on them worth $200+ in current market. What is worse, however, is the fact that there are breeders who do not select for shedding ability and for the show ring instead. Like most of the sheep listed here, Texel lambs reach market size quickly, by 5-6 months.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'savvyfarmlife_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-leader-2-0'); With an extended breeding season of nearly 5 months, Texel sheep are prolific breeders. Dorset ewes weigh approximately 150-200 pounds, with the rams weighing on average 275 pounds. This may or may not be the case in other states. Cornell University is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogoh:n (the Cayuga Nation). However, since Dorpers can also be found further North in colder climates, I am sure that a lack of winter hardiness is not a trait applying to Dorper sheep. Mature Weight (Lb): Ewe = 100 130, Ram = 120 150. Dries Wiese, the owner and Studbreeder, was 9 years old when his father bought him his first . Tunis are solid breeders and excellent mothers. Average Birth Weight (Lbs): 7 lbs for small lambs, 4-5 lbs for twin lambs. Many of the Dorper you see have been crossed with Katahdin sheep for several reasons. These include: Dorper sheep dont produce much milk or wool, which means raising them for meat is your only option. "We liked their look," Ruby puts in. While both breeds are exceptionally popular in the US, there are some differences between the two. Romanov The Romanov breed may not be as popular as the Katahdin and Dorper, but it holds a very important value in this . Some Ewes shed coats after second lambing. Icelandic Sheep are another popular choice for meat, with ewes weighing an average of 150 pounds at maturity, and rams averaging 200 pounds. My question is, how much should he weigh. It is more flighty than Dorper, Kathadin and St. Croix breeds. Suffolk ewes have an excellent lambing rate of 180%, making them a solid choice for breeding. Carefully breeding only the best stock will ensure that the extreme hardiness and good mothering ability remain. Arguments exist concerning the exact origin of the Barbados Blackbelly evidence is shown for both Africa or Barbados. ), In fall 2000, we grazed our flock on cocklebur and waterhemp that followed an oat crop. The Dorper sheep has gained popularity in the last decade for meat production, with ewes reaching a weight of 170-250 pounds, and rams up to 250 pounds. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. In lambs, grain feeding versus grass-fed has a greater influence on flavor than the differences in breeds. Origin: Developed in the Virgin Islands for crosses of West African hair sheep and Wiltshire Horn. It may not display this or other websites correctly. HARDINESS In colder zones they produce a very heavy winter coat that is shed in spring. More on that subject later. Good milkers, and is suggested not to wean lambs before three months. Produce large amount of milk. Some of the ancestors of these breeds originated in Africa and were brought to the Caribbean Islands, Central America and northern South America during the 18th and 19th century. My Texel sheep had served me well with their ability to finish on pasture, with their excellent meaty carcasses and with their lambing percentage of over 200 percent. History tells us our present-day sheep are derived from the wild Mouflon sheep, among others, that grew coarse hair with a downy undercoat. The Dorper has been very effective in increasing the growth rate, carcass size and quality of all the typical hair-type breeds such a the Barbados, Katahdin, St. Croix, the Mexican Pelibuey and other breeds that are considered exotic types. Originally publishedin sheep! marina@mgdorpers.com. Being aware of the pros and cons of each breed will help you to make a better-informed decision over which one is right for your setup. Disposition & Mothering Ability: Ewes are docile with good mothering ability. Katahdin ewes weigh around 125-185 pounds, and rams average around 200 pounds. The breed was created by crossing Dorset and Blackheaded Persian sheep. You are using an out of date browser. Environmental Adaptability: Withstand heat and cold well, and part of this adjustment to extremes is behavioral. A type of hair breed, Katahdin sheep originate in the United States. But what about the market lambs getting too fat? Whether youre looking to be more self-sufficient or to make some income selling meat to local restaurants, raising sheep for meat can enable you to do both. They do produce wool, and will need to be shorn annually. Ten percent of sheep breeds are hair breeds but ninety percent of these are found in tropical areas. Last but not least on our list is the Cheviot breed. Hampshire sheep have a muscular and stocky build, and are comparative to the Suffolk in size. They shed their winter coats during spring and early summer. As a result, about 50 percent of the first generation of White Dorper cross bred sheep shed partially or mostly. Consider the pros and cons featured above before making your decision. 2 are Katahdin and 2 are katahdin/dorper crosses. While Hampshire sheep are seasonal breeders, they tend to have a longer breeding season than others. Most lambs are considered market-ready by 9-12 weeks. A ewes wool will pay her winter feed bill. How often do dorpers have breeding problems and we will then have to pull the lambs? They were an excellent choice for this as they seldom bothered the pine trees. Although the breed was created in the 1930s, it is still fairly new to the US. Get Shipping Quotes Opens in a new tab. The percentage of 15/16 is considered purebred. Although the breed was created in the 1930s, it is still fairly new to the US. There are three main reasons to raise hair sheep. The lambing rate is not as high as other hair breeds. Crossing with the Dorper led tothis larger hair breed. Like most of the sheep listed here, Texel lambs reach market size quickly, by 5-6 months. The flavor of the market lambs is in my opinion mostly influenced by the fact that these lambs are grass-fed. Demand for Dorper breed, and specifically the black head Dorper, is experiencing an unprecedented surge here in the USA. Our flock is content to sleep outside in the coldest weather and will have unmelted snow on their backs like a wool animal. Very tolerant of the humid hot conditions in the Carribean andSomolia, Blackhead Persians have a white body and black head. I bottle fed him for three months and give him grain 2x a day, and free choice hay as well as pasture grass. Just like to make a comment. Difference in color is a matter of preference. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It should be kept in mind that performance varies greatly with genetic . While I cant speak for other hair breeds, Katahdin sheep are tough, hardy animals with eating habits more like that of a goat. How the breed carries fat is, I think, important when dealing with older sheep. Compared to other breeds, these sheep are relatively new, dating back to the 1950s. This means that, theoretically, a Dorper ewe can produce a lamb (or 2 or 3) every 8 months. They can provide you with information pertaining to regulations, health requirements and local export brokers. As they say, the proof is in the pudding eating. If you combine all traits I have not found a better breed for a farming system based on pasture and direct marketing. Myth #2: Hair sheep don't bring as much on the slaughter market. They are seasonal breeders, conceiving in the Fall and Winter. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'savvyfarmlife_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');This breed is also exceptionally hardy, able to thrive in both the cold, and the hot, humid climates in which many farmers struggle to raise sheep, making it a good choice for almost any climate in the United States. These include: The fact Dorper sheep are easy to breed is a huge advantage. I would love to get in touch with the author personally.