Scott Irwin vs. Tony Russo Wahoo McDaniel defeated Johnny Valentine in an Indian strap match at the 17-minute mark, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum April 3, 1975 El Gaucho defeated Pedro Columbo Don Kernodle & Ted Oates defeated Bill Howard & Frank Monte Sting fought Abdullah the Butcher to a double disqualification when both men brawled backstage and used Abdullahs kendo stick Danny Miller defeated Tony Russo Matt & Jeff Hardy fought Edge & Christian to a no contest at 1:28 when the Acolytes interfered and attacked both teams before Bradshaw challenged Billy Gunn to a match for the following night on Raw; Shawn Michaels immediately booked a rematch between the two teams for later in the night with the winners becoming the #1 contenders to the tag titles Ken Patera defeated Art Nelson PN News defeated the Angel of Death NWA World Champion Ric Flair (w/ Woman) defeated NWA US Champion Lex Luger via count-out at 38:07 when, as Luger had Flair in the Torture Rack, he let go of the hold as Arn & Ole Anderson prepared to attack Sting at ringside; Sting, his leg bandaged and on crutches, was introduced to the crowd before the contest but returned backstage during the ring entrances; Sting returned late in the bout to offer support to Luger; moments prior to the finish, the Andersons went after Luger, as the referee was down, but he easily threw them to the floor; after the bout, the Andersons attacked Luger in the ring with Arn dropping him with the DDT until NWA Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner made the save, scaring the Horsemen from ringside, NWA @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum April 29, 1990 (1,800) Billy Starr fought Ron Sexton to a 20-minute time-limit draw " KISS concert " Feb 2020 Where: Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina; . Brute Bernard defeated Bob Griffin Rufus R. Jones pinned Jacques Goulet Coco Samoa fought Doug Somers to a draw Abe Jacobs defeated Charlie Fulton Copyright 2023 The History of WWE. Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) when Gibson pinned Lane at 23:28 after Morton tackled Eaton as Eaton & Lane attempted a flapjack on Gibson; Morton sustained a torn pec muscle during the match (The Rise and Fall of WCW) Kevin Sullivan (sub. Thanksgiving Day Paul Jones defeated Mid-Atlantic TV Champion Angelo Mosca; the title was only at stake for the first 15 minutes of the bout, thus Jones did not win the title There is at least half a dozen ticket windows just in the door. Seating charts for Carolina Cobras, Greensboro Spartans. Dusty Rhodes defeated Blackjack Mulligan; Haystacks Calhoun was the guest referee for the match Paul Jones defeated Ric Flair Lee Henning defeated Bob Brunell Tiger Conway Jr. defeated Jerry Blackwell Communications; Greensboro Television Network (GTN) Community Relations; Contact Center; Engineering & Inspections; Executive. Johnny Weaver fought Ted Oates to a draw Usethis applicationto apply for the positions below. Abe Jacobs defeated Bill White NWA US Tag Team Champions Brian Pillman & Tom Zenk defeated Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin at around the 25-minute mark when Pillman pinned Garvin with a crossbody off the top as Garvin attempted the DDT on Zenk; after the bout, Hayes & Garvin attacked the champions WWF Tag Team Champions the Road Dogg & Billy Gunn defeated D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry after Road Dogg hit D-Lo with one of the title belts, WWF @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum February 5, 1999 (18,129) The ACC Men and Women's tournament has a real financial impact being hosted at the Greensboro Coliseum for the City of Greensboro. Tiger Conway Jr. defeated Lanny Poffo Pedro Godoy defeated Rudy Kay Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina, is hosting the mens tournament for a record 29th time in 2023. Sandy Scott defeated Johnny Heidman Closed now : See all hours. John L Sullivan defeated Jim Grabmire NWA Tag Team Champions Doom defeated Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson; during the bout, Gibson suffered a twisted ankle Johnny Weaver & Mr. Wrestling defeated Ron Garvin & Terry Garvin Dude Love (w/ Steve Austin) pinned Rocky Maivia (w/ the Nation) in falls count anywhere match after Austin hit the Stunner on Maivia behind the referees back It regularly welcomes the women's and men's NCAA and Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) tournaments. Baron Von Raschke vs. Danny Miller Bobby Kay defeated Art Nelson Ric Flair defeated Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Wahoo McDaniel to win the title at the 21-minute mark; stipulations stated Flair would have had his head shaved if he didnt win the title Ron Garvin defeated George Harris Mr. Wrestling #1 defeated Blackjack Mulligan Stay at this business-friendly motel in Greensboro. for the Missouri Mauler) defeated Klondike Bill Swede Hanson & Sonny King defeated Johnny Valentine & the Super Destroyer, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum July 4, 1974 Coco Samoa & Don Kernodle defeated Gene Anderson & Moose Morowski Tully Blanchard vs. Tony Russo Gene & Ole Anderson defeated Karl & Kurt Von Steiger Mideon & Viscera defeated the Big Bossman in a handicap match at 1:47 when Mideon pinned Bossman Gene Anderson pinned Thunderbolt Patterson Art Nelson defeated Abe Jacobs Ric Flair & Blackjack Mulligan defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Paul Jones & Baron Von Raschke via disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum October 7, 1979 (3,358) Jack & Jerry Brisco defeated Dory Funk Sr. & Terry Funk, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum May 17, 1973 (4,900) Blackjack Mulligan & Stan Hansen defeated Mr. Wrestling #1 & Johnny Weaver Klondike Bill defeated Pedro Godoy Burrhead Jones defeated Angelo Poffo Elevators are available at the north and south ends of the Coliseum to assist all patrons to gain access to upper levels of the arena. Mr. Wrestling #1 defeated Ron Starr Don Kernodle defeated Frank Monte Thunderbolt Patterson defeated Joe Soto Swede Hanson defeated Hartford Love Greg Valentine defeated Johnny Weaver in a Texas Death Match Johnny Valentine defeated Wahoo McDaniel, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum October 3, 1974 (5,250) Scheduled hours will vary. AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel pinned Paul Orndorff at the 21-minute mark with a cradle Jim Brunzell defeated Dewey Robertson Art Nelson fought Klondike Bill to a 15-minute time-limit draw Lots of restrooms. NWA Eastern Heavyweight Champion Jerry Brisco defeated Gene Anderson, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum September 6, 1973 (7,300) Ric Flair defeated NWA US Champion Ricky Steamboat to win the title in a steel cage match at 32:10, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum April 22, 1979 (5,183) Joe Turner defeated Apache Gringo The Master Blasters defeated Tom Zenk & Allen Iron Eagle Four of the top eight and six of the top 30 winningest programs in NCAA Division I basketball history currently reside in the ACC. Jerry Stubbs & Bryan St. John fought Frank Monte & Steve Muslin to a draw Dusty Rhodes defeated NWA US Champion Blackjack Mulligan via disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum March 20, 1977 (10,451) Mid-Atlantic TV Champion Ricky Steamboat defeated AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel; only the TV title was at stake in the match Steven Keirn defeated Mr. Hayashi Tiny Anderson defeated Pedro Godoy "Checkin and checkout staff were very friendly and informed us of our member benefits. Tommy Seigler defeated Pedro Godoy Edge pinned Gangrel with the Downward Spiral WCW World Champion Lex Luger pinned Bill Kazmaier Mr. Fuji defeated Sandy Scott Ricky Steamboat defeated Big John Studd Dusty Rhodes defeated NWA US Champion Ric Flair to win the title; Buddy Rogers was the guest referee; the decision was later overruled due to Rogers not acting impartial Luther Lindsey defeated Bill Bowman 9 seed . Johnny Weaver pinned Gene Lewis at the 13-minute mark after a backdrop NWA World Champion Terry Funk fought Dusty Rhodes to a double disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum June 20, 1976 Employees nice. Johnny Weaver & Jay Youngblood defeated Gene Anderson & Swede Hanson when Youngblood pinned Anderson with an inside cradle; after the bout, Anderson & Hanson continued to attack their . They stood in the stairways and were loud, talking through even the quietest of songs. Patrons who request interpreters may need to be seated together. Bill Watts defeated Beauregard Jay Youngblood & Jim Brunzell defeated Gene Anderson & Brute Bernard Wahoo McDaniel, Blackjack Mulligan, & Dick Murdoch defeated NWA World Champion Harley Race, Ric Flair, & the Masked Superstar when Murdoch pinned Race by blocking a suplex and hitting the brainbuster, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum July 2, 1978 (11,267) Jerry Brisco defeated Terry Funk Cyclone Negro defeated Abe Jacobs Jerry Brisco defeated Bill Bowman The Sheik vs. Kevin Sullivan did not take place as advertised as Sheik no showed the event Karl Kox defeated Sandy Scott Thanksgiving Day Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts is a state-of-the-art facility with a seating capacity of approximately 3,000. Kurt Stroheim defeated Bobby Kay Kurt Angle defeated the Headbangers in a handicap match at the 50-second mark after Steve Blackman interfered and hit Mosh with a kendo stick; after the bout, the Headbangers hit a guillotine legdrop on Angle before Blackman cleared them from the ring Albert pinned Hardcore Holly (w/ Crash Holly) after Crash accidentally hit Hardcore with the sale; after the contest, the Hollys brawled all the way backstage Set to. Greensboro, NC 27401, Office Location Share. This made our experience less enjoyable. Johnny Weaver defeated Brute Bernard Wahoo McDaniel defeated Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Greg Valentine via disqualification The Missouri Mauler vs. Danny Miller They have a place for Lyft and Uber drivers, several parking lots overlooked by a guard. Greg Valentine defeated Tony Atlas Ole & Gene Anderson fought Rip Hawk & Swede Hanson to a draw in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match; fall #3: both teams fought to a double disqualification Ron Simmons & Barry Windham defeated WCW World Champion Lex Luger & Mr. Hughes via disqualification when Harley Race interfered, WCW @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum October 13, 1991 (430) NWA Tag Team Champions Bob Holly & Bart Gunn defeated Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson at 7:21 when Gunn pinned Gibson following a bulldog from Holly Ricky McDaniel (w/ Wahoo McDaniel) defeated Brian Logan Dustin Rhodes defeated WCW TV Champion Steve Austin via disqualification after the 13-minute mark; Austin had Rhodes pinned after hitting him with a foreign object but Brian Pillman came out to tell the referee what happened, with Austin then stomping on Pillmans injured arm Keeps parking areas clean and orderly to ensure that space usage is maximized. The Godfather pinned Bradshaw with the DVD WCW Tag Team Champions Doom defeated Arn Anderson & Barry Windham when Reed pinned Anderson with a clothesline off the top as Anderson attempted a piledriver on Simmons Plenty of choices for food and bathrooms. We went to the Coliseum to see KISS. Tio Tio defeated Gil Turner Sonny King & Swede Hanson defeated Ric Flair & Doug Gilbert NWA US Champion Ric Flair defeated Ricky Steamboat, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum October 21, 1978 (7,500) Gene & Ole Anderson defeated George & Sandy Scott Angelo Poffo vs. Vic Rossitani To request your application for membership or for more information about the club please contact: Mike Mitchell at (336) 218-5380 or WWF Tag Team Champions Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg defeated X-Pac & Kane via disqualification when Hardcore & Crash Holly attacked the champions; Kane & X-Pac helped in fighting them off Jerry Stubbs defeated Bill White GREENSBORO Stamey's Barbecue sat quietly across the street from the Greensboro Coliseum on Thursday afternoon. Gene Anderson defeated Les Thatcher Rufus R. Jones defeated Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair NWA World Champion Dory Funk Jr. fought Jerry Brisco to a 60-minute time-limit draw (Funks Greensboro debut), JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum December 10, 1970 (3,106) Tiger Conway Jr. defeated Michael Dubois Visit hotel website. The Coliseum presently maintains FM assistive listening devices which may be obtained from Guest Services . Terry Kay defeated Joe Soto You will be asked this question as part of your interview process. Johnny Weaver defeated Ernie Ladd via disqualification WCW US Champion Lex Luger fought Nikita Koloff to a double disqualification when both men hit the referee The Junkyard Dog & Tom Zenk defeated Jack Victory & Rip Morgan Handicap car and van accessible parking spaces are designated near the entrances of the Coliseum, Special Events Center and Odeon Theatre. Bill Watts defeated Ole Anderson KOTR Quarter-Finals: Kane pinned the Big Show at 6:36 after hitting Show over the head with a steel chair; earlier in the bout, Hardcore Holly interfered with the chair and attempted to hit Show with the weapon until Kane cleared him from the ring Argentina Apollo & Les Thatcher defeated Pampiro Firpo & Rock Hunter Terry Sawyer & Don Kernodle defeated Joe Palardy & Frank Monte Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Ken Patera defeated Tony Atlas Bill Watts defeated Tony Romano Steve Bolus defeated Doug Somers Jim Lancaster defeated Randy Colley Blackjack Mulligan defeated NWA US Champion Paul Jones to win the title, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum March 28, 1976 (7,119) Johnny Weaver & Art Nelson defeated Rip Hawk & Swede Hanson Jack & Jerry Brisco defeated Baron Von Raschke & the Missouri Mauler NWA Tag Team Champions Ole & Gene Anderson defeated Rufus R. Jones & Ken Patera Johnny Weaver defeated Jimmy Snuka 336-373-2511 (FAX). Tiger Conway Jr. defeated George Harris Len Denton & Rudy Kay defeated Bill White & Frank Monte Hampton Inn & Suites Greensboro/Coliseum Area. Gene Anderson vs. Sandy Scott Ricky Morton & Tommy Rich defeated Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin $10 one shot, $20 double. City of Greensboro Human Resources Department Employment Office PO Box 3136 Greensboro, NC 27401 Office Location 300 W. Washington Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Quarter Finals: Skip Young defeated Rudy Kay 1421 Westover Ter, Greensboro, NC 27408-7908 +1 336-370-0707 Website Menu. Greensboro Coliseum Complex website: Greensboro Coliseum Advance Information Line (automated): 336-373-7474 Greensboro Coliseum Administrative Offices: 336-373-7400 Group Sales: 336-373-2632 TDD: 336-333-6930 Mr. Wrestling #1 defeated Mid-Atlantic TV Champion Angelo Mosca to win the title at 10:35 Tony Atlas defeated Larry Sharpe Don Kernodle & Abe Jacobs defeated Bill Howard & Bill White Bob Marcus defeated ? Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Johnny Valentine defeated Wahoo McDaniel, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum November 7, 1974 (4,700) Anna Hansen NC State women's basketball advanced to the quarterfinals of the ACC Tournament in Greensboro, North Carolina with an 83-58 win over the 9-seed Syracuse Orange. Ernie Ladd defeated Rufus R. Jones Yes- just make sure your parents know where you are and give permission. We came here for a concert. This consent inspection may involve metal detectors. Get Help. BACKSTAGE AREAS: Seven locker rooms, four VIP promoter suites, hospitality room (accommodates 200 for reception), training room and promoter offices. Rufus R. Jones pinned Mike York Nelson Royal defeated Joe Furr Ron Simmons & Barry Windham defeated WCW World Champion Lex Luger & Mr. Hughes when Simmons pinned Hughes with the spinebuster; Tom Zenk was the guest referee for the bout and slapped Harley Race prior to the pinfall, WCW @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum November 17, 1991 (750) Ox Baker fought Danny Miller to a 10-minute time-limit draw Danny Miller vs. Hans Schroeder Bobo Brazil & Rufus R. Jones defeated the Missouri Mauler & Jerry Blackwell In order to provide a safe and enjoyable environement for all patrons and guests of the Greensboro Coliseum Complex, and given the trends in public assembly gatherings and overall event management, the following admission policy will be utilized for Complex events. Roberto & Manuel Soto defeated Jacques Goulet & Michael DuBois WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Ken Patera via disqualification in a non-title match The seats were really good and close, but I couldn't see some of the stage setups at times because it is a side view and most of the setups were focused towards the front of the stage. Scheduled hours will vary. Mr. Wrestling #1 defeated Spoiler #2 Sandy Scott & Tio Tio defeated Frank Monte & Frank Morrell Danny Miller defeated the Missouri Mauler Taka Michinoku pinned Brian Christopher Here, though, is a crossroads. NWA US Champion Ricky Steamboat defeated Ricky Steamboat via disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum February 5, 1978 (5,817) Johnny Weaver & Art Nelson defeated Swede Hanson & Jim Dalton There was no visible security to address this issue at all. Dewey Robertson defeated ? NWA US Champion Ricky Steamboat fought Paul Jones to a double count-out The Coliseum Complex provides interpreters for entertainment events free of charge to patrons with hearing impairment. Frank Monte defeated Les Thatcher Bryan St. John defeated Joe Furr Mike Mitchellat (336) 218-5380or Ain't Too Proud. NWA US Champion Paul Jones pinned Angelo Mosca at the 24-minute mark, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum February 29, 1976 (7,783) Sandy Scott defeated Frank Morrell NWA US Champion Ricky Steamboat pinned Big John Studd with a roll up after punching the challenger in the face from the mat, with Studd then falling backwards and striking his head against the top turnbuckle Johnny Weaver & George Becker defeated Rip Hawk & Swede Hanson Blackjack Mulligan defeated the Masked Superstar in a steel cage match, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum August 13, 1978 (6,005) Ric Flair & Greg Valentine defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Ole & Gene Anderson to win the titles, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum November 24, 1977 NWA Tag Team Champions Greg Valentine & Baron Von Raschke defeated Paul Orndorff & Jimmy Snuka via disqualification 116 section AA row 1 seat rdubcole Greensboro Coliseum Elton John tour: Farewell Yellow Brick Road These seats were perfect! Mil Mascaras defeated Jacques Goulet Jerry Brisco & Sandy Scott defeated Brute Bernard & Chuck OConnor at the 13-minute mark when Bernard submitted to Briscos figure-4 Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Ken Patera & the Masked Superstar defeated Andre the Giant & Wahoo McDaniel Tiger Conway defeated Doug Gilbert Ron Garvin defeated Tatsumi Fujinami Mr. Sato defeated Tony Russo Abe Jacobs defeated Bruce Swayze The top-seeded Irish will face No. WWF Tag Team Champions Legion of Doom defeated Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg when Road Warrior Hawk pinned Road Dogg with the clothesline off the top Argentina Apollo defeated Eastern Heavyweight Champion the Missouri Mauler in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-0; fall #1: Apollo won; fall #2: Apollo won via disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum March 4, 1971 (4,500) David Finley defeated Frank Morrell The Undertaker defeated the Big Bossman Venue includes Luxury Suites, Club Seats with admission to the Triad Financial Advisors Club, the Vu Lounge, Natty Greenes Brewpub and the Ovations Lounge. Tiger Conway Jr. defeated the Russian Stomper Greg Valentine defeated Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Wahoo McDaniel to win the title, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum July 3, 1977 Carolina's Destiny Adams comes down with an offensive rebound during the second round game with Clemson at the 2023 ACC Women's Basketball Tournament at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex in. Steve Regal defeated Joe Palardy Hampton Inn & Suites Greensboro/Coliseum Area, Holiday Inn Greensboro Coliseum, an IHG Hotel, View all hotels near Greensboro Coliseum Complex on Tripadvisor, View all restaurants near Greensboro Coliseum Complex on Tripadvisor, View all attractions near Greensboro Coliseum Complex on Tripadvisor, InterContinental (IHG) Hotels in Greensboro, Extended Stay America Hotels in Greensboro, Hotels near International Civil Rights Center & Museum, Hotels near Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, Hotels near The Bog Garden at Benjamin Park, Hotels near Tanger Family Bicentennial Garden, Hotels near Piedmont Triad Intl Airport (GSO), Motels near Piedmont Triad Intl Airport (GSO), Hotels near University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Hotels near ITT Technical Institute - High Point Campus, Hotels near Brookstone College of Business, Hotels near Guilford Technical Community College, Points of Interest & Landmarks in Greensboro, Game & Entertainment Centers in Greensboro, Historical & Heritage Tours in Greensboro, Zipline & Aerial Adventure Parks in Greensboro, International Civil Rights Center & Museum: Tickets & Tours, Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum Guided Tour from Krakow, Hot Water Pool Bath Inside Pineapple Plantation & Dinner, Private Charter - St. Maarten/St. Dustin Rhodes, Big Josh, & Tom Zenk defeated Thomas Rich, Richard Morton, & Terrance Taylor when Rhodes pinned Morton Big Van Vader pinned El Cubano for NWA Tag Team Champion Scott Steiner, said to be out with an eye infection) & NWA Tag Team Champion Rick Steiner defeated Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos in a stretcher match Roberto Soto vs. Michael DuBois Ricky Steamboat & Blackjack Mulligan defeated the Masked Superstar & Baron Von Raschke in a Texas Death Match Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Greg Valentine defeated Paul Jones via disqualification Guide dogs are permitted inside Complex facilities. Greensboro, NC 27401 Bill Dromo defeated Steve Strong Usually they have an area to visit in before the show, Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Gene & Ole Anderson defeated Ron Garvin & Nelson Royal Ricky Steamboat defeated NWA US Champion Ric Flair via disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum December 30, 1978 (10,327) Use, Please click here for detailed information. Wahoo McDaniel defeated Angelo Mosca Atlantic Coast Tag Team Champions Brute Bernard & the Missouri Mauler defeated Johnny Weaver & Art Nelson in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match Gene Anderson defeated Bob Bruggers more, Carolina History & Haunts Greensboro Historical Ghost Tour. Current ACC member schools have combined for 66 Mens Final Four appearances and a national-best 657 NCAA Tournament wins. Wrestle War 90: Wild Thing Greensboro, NC Coliseum February 25, 1990 (9,894; 7,500 paid) Works outside. The Hokies . Sting & El Gigante defeated WCW World Champion Ric Flair & Barry Windham in a steel cage match when Sting pinned Flair, WCW @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum June 21, 1991 (1,000) Swede Hanson defeated Ron Garvin Nick DeCarlo pinned Tony Russo at the 10-minute mark with a cradle Rufus R. Jones defeated El Goucho (sub. 107 section FF row 7-8 seat hannahhoisington Greensboro Coliseum NWA Tag Team Championship Tournament Clarion Pointe - Greensboro Coliseum Area is a nonsmoking hotel located across the street from the Joseph S. Koury Convention Center. Rick Steiner pinned Dick Slater Brute Bernard defeated Tio Tio Ric Flair & Blackjack Mulligan defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Paul Jones & Baron Von Raschke via disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum September 16, 1979 (3,569) Scott Casey & Les Thatcher defeated Frank Cochran & Ricky Ferrara Ric Flair & Rip Hawk defeated NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions Bob Bruggers & Paul Jones to win the titles at the 26-minute mark when Hawk pinned Jones Vic Rossitani vs. Bill White Jim Brunzell defeated Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Ken Patera in a non-title match; stipulations stated Brunzell would win $1,000 of Pateras money if he won Abe Jacobs fought Mr. X to a draw Dusty Rhodes defeated NWA US Champion Ric Flair via disqualification, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum October 8, 1977 Sailor Art Thomas & Abe Jacobs defeated Kurt Stroheim & Art Nelson The Super Destroyer & Ivan Koloff fought Mid-Atlantic TV Champion Paul Jones & Sonny King to a double disqualification at the 25-minute mark WWF World Champion the Big Show pinned Triple H (w/ DX) with the chokeslam in a No DQ match at 5:58 after Mankind interfered and hit Triple H in the back of the head with a chair; prior to the bout, the challenger announced it would be No DQ and the remaining members of DX interfered throughout the bout. Frankie Lane defeated Tonny Russo Enter dates to see prices. Johnny Weaver & Art Nelson defeated Lord Jonathan Boyd & Norman Frederick Charles III (Brass Knuckles Tag Team Title match) The Missouri Mauler defeated Danny Miller in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match; fall #1: Mauler won; fall #2: Miller won; fall #3: Mauler won Luther Lindsay defeated El Gaucho Wahoo McDaniel defeated Kim Duk in an Indian strap match The last WWF show in Greensboro for 7 years Mid-Atlantic TV Champion Paul Jones defeated Johnny Weaver John tells WXII 12 News that he was contracted by Paradocs, a medical services company that assists with large-scale events, to work inside the coliseum. Dustin Rhodes defeated Thomas Rich Blackjack Mulligan defeated Baron Von Raschke 11-seeded Boston College on Wednesday.Tip is slated for 6:30 p.m. on the ACC Network inside the Greensboro Coliseum. Rental chairs may be rented upon entering the venue just inside entry gates. 1,461 reviews. Pedro Morales, Skip Young, & Nick DeCarlo defeated Gene Anderson, Kim Duk, & Moose Morowski for Larry Zbyszko) to a draw WCW World Champion Lex Luger pinned Barry Windham after Mr. Hughes interfered The ACC has the highest all-time NCAA Tournament winning percentage of any league (.619). Papi Chulo defeated Steve Bradley Haystacks Calhoun defeated George Harris WVIR; 503 E. Market St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 220-2900; FCC Public File. To arrange for an interpreter, please call Guest Services at 336-373-7461 and ask for assistance. Sandy Scott defeated Joe Turner Bill Watts defeated Rip Hawk Van accessible spaces are also noted. Get ready to seeCody Rhodes, RAW Womens ChampionBianca Belair, United States ChampionAustin Theory,Seth Freakin Rollins,Kevin Owens,Becky Lynch,Bobby Lashley,Bayley, and many more! Swede Hanson defeated Bobby Bold Eagle Tasks can include plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and general upkeep of the venue. Wrestle War 90: Wild Thing - Greensboro, NC - Coliseum - February 25, 1990 (9,894; 7,500 paid) Pay-per-view bouts - included an opening video of the 'Wrestle War Rap;' featured Jim Ross & Terry Funk on commentary; included Gordon Solie conducting a backstage interview with Teddy Long about the injury to Dan Spivey, with Long saying he had a one-night replacement to face the . El Gigante defeated Dr. X SeatGeeks interactive maps indicate the location of the home and visitor benches, and note which sections are closest to each bench. Tiger Conway Jr. defeated Dick Murdoch via disqualification Greensboro Coliseum Justin Bieber tour: Justice World Tour This photo is not zoomed in. George Harris defeated Johnny Ringo for Robert Gibson) defeated Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane Frankie Laine defeated Doug Somers Privacy Policy Paul Orndorff defeated Greg Valentine Crush, Chainz, Sull, & 8-Ball defeated Savio Vega, Miguel Perez, Jesus Castillo, & Jose Estrada NWA World Champion Sting pinned Mark Callous (sub. NWA World Champion Jack Brisco defeated Wahoo McDaniel via disqualification at the 32-minute mark when the challenger struck referee Sonny Fargo, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum February 20, 1975 (7,812) Located between the baseline and sideline sections, the lower level corner sections provide a decent view of a basketball game at Greensboro Coliseum. I am not certain. If you are not vaccinated, you may only be permitted to work in front of house or public areas until you are vaccinated. NWA US Champion Jimmy Snuka defeated Ric Flair, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum October 28, 1979 Attended a basketball tournament this past weekend and overall I would say the facility was pretty good. Dustin Rhodes, Tracey Smothers & Steve Armstrong defeated Dr. X (Kevin Nash), Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin when Rhodes pinned X Ron Simmons pinned Butch Reed NWA World Champion Harley Race defeated Wahoo McDaniel, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum September 4, 1977 (8,257) Road Warrior Animal (sub. Wee Willie Wilson defeated Lord Littlebrook 4 seed Louisville beat 12th-seeded Wake Forest 74-48 on Friday to . Terry Taylor pinned the Motor City Madman Steve Strong defeated Klondike Bill NWA World Champion Jack Brisco pinned Wahoo McDaniel in a No DQ match at the 21-minute mark, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum March 13, 1975 (6,224) Jerry Blackwell defeated Steve Bolus Argentina Apollo, Johnny Weaver, & Bobby Kay defeated the Missouri Mauler, Brute Bernard, & Art Nelson in a steel cage match; Joe Louis was the guest referee for the bout, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum January 27, 1972 Atlantic Coast Tag Team Champions Rip Hawk & Swede Hanson defeated Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard in a No DQ, Best 2 out of 3 falls match; fall #1: Hawk pinned Bernard with a neckbreaker; fall #2: Murphy pinned Hanson after several headbutts; fall #3: Hanson pinned Murphy after a slam, JCP @ Greensboro, NC Coliseum March 26, 1970 Jay Youngblood defeated Brute Bernard Paul Jones & Andre the Giant defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Ole & Gene Anderson in a non-title match A limited number of memberships are available. Bobby Bruggers defeated Gene Lewis Steve Muslin defeated Frank Monte Stage Right stage. Rip Hawk & Swede Hanson defeated Les Thatcher & Frank Hester Ricky Steamboat defeated Scott Irwin Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin defeated Todd Champion & Firebreaker Chip The Avenger defeated the Super Destroyer via disqualification at the 17-minute mark