Jack Hibbs is the founder and pastor at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski. Calvary does go verse by verse but just like this past Sunday we did more talking about politics and today than elaborate on the Scriptures context. To break the click up take a step of faith and enter those clicks breaking down their doors! Sadly many will only know John 3:16 in the wrong context and will never know the deeper and true love of John 3:8. Jon- your misunderstanding of the doctrines of grace lead you to believe they are in opposition to free-will. What I was looking for was the word of God, something I realized I wouldnt find in Unity. But, quit repackaging the same sermonettes over and over, try preaching in different areas of the Bible, at least you will avoid looking like you are just trying to make a quick buck. All of the faults that we would find would be with the way that we, as men, handle things. Plain and simple. Would only go once in awhile for fellowship reasons as I do not agree with the doctrine but it is the least denominational church in my area. I have worked closely enough with many CC pastors to know there is a strong vein of them that really believe they are Moses, the only anointed one in their church who hears from God, deeply suspicious of those who come alongside to help them, spurning all attempts to bring accountability and transparency to their ministries. In response to Larrys comment, Ive attended CC in St. Louis 49, 50). In a consumer driven world it is sad that churches expect and encourage men to make a choice for a church based on externals (music, pep, relevance, simplicity, comedy, lax dress-code, youth, etc) rather than by what they believe the bible says. I agree with you. Manage Settings (pg. For example, teachings on Mary in the Catholic Church only define Traditions of the earliest Church teachings. And they realized they had been with Jesus. Now where does the bible ever say that they needed religious training? I also heard Pastor Chuck live on Pastors Perspective this month refer to someone winning at gambling as pure luck. His words. This is the ulimate argument separating election/free willDoes man truly have a choice to choose life without being elected or does he have no choice but to choose death unless being elected to do so? And Justinian after alienated some of the western Church by imprisoning Victor Tunna who didnt accept his view on the three chapters. If I want to know what they believe I can read the westminister confession. It introduced me to the very basics of Christianity. This has been interesting. Our pastor supposedly had an entire collection of Spurgeons sermons, but never cited anything Spurgeon said. I have been to CC in Uganda and what I see happen is no surprise because the basis on which it has been founded is wrong (a man, the beliefs of this man, the lacking so-called Distinctives) for example: they display and sell books among other items in church on Sunday; they dont scrutinize the spiritual-state of people before accepting them into ministry (choir, hospitality,..) ; it doesnt seem clear how the books preached are chosen and also they trust to follow this practice rigidly without considering the Spirit of God to lead; they have recently dishonored offertory on Band nights in the church and turned it into fundraising and something farmiliar/ less significant; they have allowed so-called gospel artists and band players to come and hold concert-like activities in the churchtell people its free but that they should come with a healthy offertory to the Lord'; the authority of doctrine and its application in the life of a believer are not emphasized; it seems like anyone can just come in be they believer or unbeliever and end up in active ministry without the care to know who the person really is or if they are truly saved etc; its a pleasant and comfortable place but one that seems way far and way different from what the Bible teaches..the church as is portrayed in the Bible; they talk of movie nights in the church; come for guitar lessons; they dont seem to like rebuking carnality among members; fun fares; while the discipling is ignored; during evangelism a person is told to repeat the prayer of the evangelist and then they are told you are saved'; I love my friends in C.C but I will not be a follower of men (Chuck Smith and others) and neither will I be a partaker in the deeds of unrighteousness nor in the compromise of Gods Truth; I have shared these concerns with biblical evidence to some of the members even the pastor but the common response I have got were defence-mode or someone will agree they know what is happening but prefer to keep silent about it so of late I decided to leave and trust God to lead me to a church or bring me together with true believers I can fellowship with almost all the other churches left around are either cults or filled with false preachers and false doctrines. I was prompted by the pastor to check out establishing a church bookstore (Calvary Chapel had their own distribution warehouse in California). It was important to remember the Bereans, to hold all teaching accountable to the whole of Scripture, not Chuck. in that sense, am I not a sheppard? Ive had a bad experience at one too, but i dont label them all because of one bad experience. As for myself, I actually left because I believed the Lord had opened doors to go with a friend who was associated with the Baptist denomination. After attending a liberal United Methodist Church for many years, I happened onto the bible teaching of several CC pastors on a CSN radio station broadcasting out of Indiana in SW Michigan. And truthfully I would not have realized the mistakes if I had not gone to a conservative Bible College myself(not a CC Bible College) and studied the word more thoroughly on my own. Hear The Gospel 1Cor. Not all CCs are the same. Experience, so far from loosening our hold of the doctrines of grace, has knit us to them more and more firmly; our grounds and motives for believing are now more strong, more numerous than ever, and we have reason to expect that it will be so till in death we clasp the Saviour in our arms. God calls us to study his Word so that we will know how to rightly divide itso yes those for or against should do so referring to either specific examples or related bible/ scriptural verses. Not because I believe CC to be non believers just not biblically sound and not the safest place to be spiritually. My first and former pastor was a dispensationalist and graduated from Bible College and Seminary, but I see people here saying pastors with CC are not properly trained and are not dispensationalists. I have to agree and disagree with some of the things said here. What more do you want from me? In CC the love scriptures overrides the righteous judgement/accountability/church disciplne scriptures instead of live side by side with it as it RIGHTLY should. This scenario is not to be confused with the New Testament church. God bless all who read this. The pastor is true man of God. Anyway, the Eastern church just kept going and didnt change. He is famously known for his bible teachings and is a frequent conference speaker. Read more about her >>. CHINO The arrest of an Ontario man accused of embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from church coffers has shocked and angered the Calvary Chapel Chino Hills community. Jack Hibbs is the senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, located in southern California. FTF (For The Few) Spite the fake news reports of only 1500 people being there, we saw nearly 3000 people at the capital steps yesterday and 7 pastors who showed up. Yes, I'd like to receive the Georgia Voice email newsletter. I grew weary of all the nonsense and turned towards rebellion from what I thought was Christianity for a year or so until the Lord drew me back into truths that I had never been taught at Calvary. Many theologians go to seminary and believe that the gifts of the holy spirit ceded once the bible was compiled-false gospel (i.e. I believe that a Christian, after the moment of being saved must continue in faith and trust on God for everything. And you shouldnt be hatin on other churches either. It is quite a work! The Declaration of Dependence - Part 2 (Romans 8:1-8) Welcome to sermons-online.org! Vision and effort are definitely required; thankfully, the Bible gives us directions for acquiring both. I was afraid certain people would not wipe if they did not think Chuck did. This church is located in Southern California. In the book Calvary Chapel Distinctives Chuck Smith states, You know the beautiful thing about being called Calvary Chapel? This effectively stifled the body. All one has to do is read the Church Fathers to realize this. And you can blame it all on Calvary Chapel Distinctives and the Moses Model which fosters a belief that church leaders are above ordinary Christians and do no sin like the rest of us. ", "Lord, have you brought Mike Pompeo to be Secretary of State, only for that to end now? They kind of remind me of the the Seventh Day Adventist in this way. You are for Israel. It was very prominent and given great importance with every single CC pastor I heard personally, that is not a blanket statement. Jesus died so we can have unlimited acess to God so seek him Christians and know that the beauty of God is that he is perfect so we dont have to be. January 15, 1958. With her, I attended a couple of bible studies in the Psalms and have listened numerous times to both Chuck Smiths question answer time (forgot the name of the show) as well as other radio shows put on by C.C.. Anyone ever seen the video of a young pastor chuck sitting on a stage with others listening to someone speak? Right on sounds like something evolutionists watching elk while stoned might say, but okay. The truth about cc is obvious, no one in their right mind is playing devils advocate at this blog. You have to realize that Calvary Chapel does hold to a set of doctrine that was and has been condemned as heresy over the last several centuries. If you disagree with a church and are a true follower of Christ, I think you should just pray for them rather than try and dismember there reputation. I can tell you so many stories. I found that if a person hadnt been through the Calvary Chapels teaching courses then their Scriptural knowledge was dismissed. If I had to use one word to characterize the Calvary Chapel movement it would be this: Naive. Jack Hibbs is dedicated to proclaiming truth. I believe CCs inconsistencies, the ease with which unqualified men can become pastors, the prideful attitude that CC is the best, shallow teaching and lack of structure and doctrine allowed many other errors to creep in, which then set the stage for some real messes in our CC. They do all agree on what the call Calvary Distinctives and in order to become a CC pastor you must abide in these essential teachings. What do these people believe? I dont know, but lets go find out. And the whole field is ours. Ill come back everyday to check it out. The Saddlbeback deal was pretty obvious from the get go, it seemed like Christianity lite, get a little church in to your life and everything will be alright. Here is part of his latest (I wrote briefly about this video before, but it was behind the Current paywall): There is so much that is wrong about this. It was life-changing! He tried to explain it, and was told he was wrong. Read some of my critiques of CC Distinctives. Pastor Smith this and Pastor Smith this, or Mrs. White, This and Mrs. White this. The same holds true to the church we attend. At one time I did kind of believe Calvary CHapel is the way, thruth, and life. In addition, he is the host of "Real Life with Jack on Real Life Tv and radio. I think Jesus might have said something about that. Beat em up, he says, punching a fist into his hand to illustrate how elks fight. In Hibbs's lecture, which appears to have taken place at the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C., he actually includes some new (and false) claims about the story. by randy on April 10th, 2009. Its not the gospel and its not Christianity. I attended Calvary Chapel(s) because I attended several over a span of two decades and finally left because of all the reasons listed here. The extant of that definition , however, could have been considered more flexible. Perhaps this is your experience but to apply it to a group of churches of which I am sure you have only attended a small % is wrong. The result is people are sad. These Traditions are found in Orthodoxy, they simply are not defined, or proscribed. This church is located in Southern California. He is bound to the Councils and Tradition just as you suggest he should be! The most critical thing I have against the CC movement is their philosophy on how pastors are chosen and raised. What are their needs, hopes, desires? Go watch them all, they are worth it! And so on and so forth. Choosing God Over Government: Standing Up to Bullies and Pushing Back Against a 'Woke' World with Public School Teacher Jessica Tapia. Christians benefit when they worship and serve in an environment that encourages them and utilizes their gifts. During the prayer, Hibbs begged God to forgive the state of California for electing "people with antichrist worldviews," specifically citing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and . Its easy to get fixated on things like this. 4201 Eucalyptus Ave., Chino CA 91710. Examine Yourselves) on youtube. Jesus is also the narrow Gate, the narrow Path and the Good Shepherd who can lead us on that narrow Way and Jesus is the Light who enlightens the world. JOIN Sunday Service with Jack Hibbs, Live Stream (February-26-2023). All rights reserved. I attended CC (Maranatha Chapel in San Diego,CA) for several years. My family is still in attendance there after the Lord blessed my family with salvation through hearing the word of God. And what does Mr. Elk do next? I dont know. The fellowship started in August 1990 with just six people in Andrew's home, in Chino Hills, California. Im not doubting its there, but I dont know where or the context behind it. We are taught not to tear each other or other churches down but to stay focused on God and the love of Jesus and the building up of the saints through Gods word and to come along side of our brothers and sister not to judge but to point out there sin, when it is necessary and only after examining our own sin first. This passion comes out of his deep understanding that God, who came to earth in human skin, has through Jesus Christ provided the way, the truth, and . I have read near 90% of all the replies on this post and I understand your point. Anyway, just wanted to share some thoughts. But once again, not all CC pastors are making these doctrinal mistakes though some were and are in CC and in other churches. I encourage everyone to watch his Regeneration vs The Idolatry of Decisionalism video or his The Shocking Youth Message video all available on this website: http://donors.heartcrymissionary.com/videos/video-archive?task=allvideoslist&from=50. What we need to do is pray for the people that are in the CCs and they they will come to learn the truth and open their eyes and come out of the false assembly. It seems somewhat convenient for those who are left without an answer to these accusations to say, maybe you should be more spiritual? rather than requiring yourself to have an answer for what you believe. Thank you to whomever reads my post and I hope the love of Christ moves you to greater love always. I was with Calvary Chapels on and off (mostly on) for almost 30 years and finally gave up on them recently. Related postsLisa Bevere Age, Eye, Parents Family, Biography Wikipedia, Weight lossClayton Read More Alec Bevere Age, Wikipedia, Wife, Height . Now my question for you Randy : Do you think I am an heretic because I dont agree with the whole doctrine of Calvinism? Because we need to consider all the Scriptures and not put over-emphasis on some verses and misinterpret others. Having sex for pleasure is bad, very bad. I pray that we will all see that including myself cause I see it happen to me too. None of the staff to my knowledge has had seminary training and when you bring up a great bible study you did which you learned a lot from you are silenced or made to feel stupid or such if it isnt one on their list. In fact, many of the studies are written right there in-house by the same person for year after year. Sadly Calvary thinks reading whole chapters at a time and then making funny jokes, and telling stories is expository teaching. For example Pope Pauls Encyclical on family life, Humana Vitae, which definitely stated the sin of using artificial contraception, merely defined what Christianity, and Judaism before it , had taught for over 2000 years. Here is paragraph (3) of subsection (c) of the Section 501 of Title 26. Read my Calvary Chapel Distinctive posts and refute what I have said. Your comment reveals that you think the pope is free to make doctrine according to his will. This is just one example of how you and most non Catholics are not even aware of the what the Church actually teaches. Five years ago I would of been saying the same things as you. *Any* pastor who says something that flip about the Word of God ought to be embarrassed. Until you get out of your modernistic presupposition youll never be able to see how off kilter Calvary Chapel really is. I had a girlfriend very dear to me who is still currently attending Calvary Chapel in Chino, California. May God bless ya. Youve thrown the gauntlet, but now youre chicken to name names. I believe this is the peaceful goal from the Biblical prophets & The True Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. The phone doesn't ring as often as . It can be easily pointed out that their faith stands on the invisible foundation of Americas 19th century sectarians. Bring up the teachings of many men who were so humble before God and truly teached repentance, not merely confession and the teachers found the resources boring or such. As I started to grow in the word I saw the contrast of what cc taught and what the Bible taught. I now have many areas of disagreement with Calvary Chapel doctrinally and organizationally. However, an attempt to make claims against Catholicism seem as simple as you have is simply either ignorance of reality or disingenuous. Cant wait to learn more. (we agreed to that point) And then in later years, he could fall away from faith in God, he could denounce God, curse God, murder, rape, and become a drunkard and in that current state with no desire to repent of any of those, he dies. Just this month on the radio I heard Pastor Chuck, while reading some OT scripture, just completely ignore a list of names and follow it up with something like and a whole bunch of names we dont need to bother with Are you kidding me?! 1500 years after Christ?? Modern evangelicalism may trophy the conservative label and claim biblical Christianity, but it has not only embraced pragmatism, individualism, consumerism and the liberal mindset- it has led the way in it. Paul commanded, Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. While this has been taken by modernists to mean that doctrinal discussions or debates are dangerous- we should never give in to such liberal folly. Ps. When two people of the same sex get together, its out of sheer wanton lust and pleasure only for self, Hibbs tells the congregation. Click here to give now or simply TEXT: 855-984-4483, then ENTER: GIVECALVARYCCH and follow the prompts. The following Sunday, people tell me that I was publicly accused of many sins including rebellion (Titus 3:10) and my excommunication was announced from the pulpit by Pastor John. Read our US election live blog for the latest news & updates. We were strongly encouraged to quit taking prescribed medications and our faith was called into question if we disagreed. but please expand so i may have an opportunity to understand your side. etc.. I would rather believe He will say Jeannette, you fed the hungry, you clothed the poor, you showed grace and mercy towards men, you forgave, you loved others with the love I gave you, and you used that love to cover a multitude of sins..you have sinned many times, and fell short of My glory many times, but You are My child and I bled on the cross for youcome in faithful servant.. well, this is what its all about loving Him first, and loving others seeing others with His eyes. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them., i find it interesting that you talk about calvarys lack of doctrine, just to get you perspective what do you concider doctrine? Most read in News "The. Hibbs then launches into a kind of Christian Animal Planet episode to back this up. doctrine is simply teaching in the original greek so calvary does teach you may not agree with their beliefs but they do teach specific doctrines. The main common factor is that they teach the Bible verse by verse.