Warning:Lime content beware ;) Once full of life and love. I looked over to see the chat spamming their ship name for us, S/n. Im just trying to help, watch your language!. Theyve apparently been hiding in the shadows for weeks now. She/Her, Wattpad Writer, singer, songwriter, and Twitch Stream (twitch.tv/ItsLyssaLive) REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! Okay, so I take a deep breath. What do they think is beautiful about them? Yup, just peachy, but just as the words leave my lips, one end of the pipe breaks off the wall, leaving me dangling. Instead sleeping in his office surrounded by empty bottles. Your the first on the anon list! Schlatt was sitting at his desk. Sam sighed. Drawing a tre, Germany x Reader Pinky Promise It seems that you have been relocated and your tracker has been deactivated, a voice that could only belong to Captain Steve Rogers himself. You hadnt actually thought that he would agree. Usually y, The evening was quiet. I laugh lightly, linking our pinkies in a promise. Both laying on your sides face to face. Y/N straightened her tie. I cant read what they said because of your stupid Face ID, but I can tell that theyre worried.. I turn back towards the button, looking at the song Y/n wrote for this nation one last time. And Alex couldnt seem to let go of my hand, but Im not complaining. Ive only met Tommy in person and he is currently staying over for the next couple of weeks. He had a saying, It was never meant to be.. F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? You were currently walking your Dachshund named Blackie since it was the name he came with when you adopted him. Quackity walked up behind her wrapping his arms around their waist. But you fought so hard to get this land back, he tries to reason with me. Here you go. You arrived at the building with the internationally known sign of a red cross pasted onto a white background. It's just so comforting to him. Just then, as if things couldnt get any more tiring, the tower alarm went off, signaling that the Avengers were needed. I promise.. She dashed over to Y/n and pulled her into the tightest hug she had ever given. , hov many times do I have to say zhat? he said, his gaze flickering towards you in for a second. Nope, that doesnt help at all, Tony responds. He hadn't meant to be heard. Wilbur went to get some food and find shelter. He was getting lost in his thoughts. John Egbert X Reader [Homestuck]- Rainy Day A small groan of annoyance left his lips, but as you smiled up at him sweetly any upset left him, flew away, thoroughly evaporated, literally got up and walked out of the door slamming it on its exit. What are you doing? A voice says behind me. The Casino was the highlight of Las Nevadas, next to the Space Needle. Its fun, especially when you get competitive, he loves to see you excited about it. Fuck, I mumble under my breath as I feel the tension in my shoulders. But at what cost? Cute and silly photos with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot. Just as I reach about the 20th floor a giant piece of cement lands on the right of the stairs I was just about to begin climbing. #twitch Quackity would be one to forgive easily, especially if its you, although you guys get into alot of joke arguments. He thinks about it alot, and he adores you for it. Holding you close. But to his surprise, he found Y/n laying on the couch, where Techno had left her. A look of worry, and guilt crossing his face. How do they propose? Turn that off! Also, I was listening to this playlist while finishing this chapter. And what made you come to that conclusion? I ask back, trying to sound more confused than annoyed. And trust me when I say youll not be happy with that! Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast. "Look chat! The gentle tapping of the rain as it pelted the walls and roof of your home was the only thing else to be heard than the quiet keys being clicked by nimble fingers. And if he holds you close like this no one can hurt you. Not this monster. Of course! I turned a corner while I was running and ran straight into a group of fucking guards. No Discord during our trip! He takes my phone again, placing it on the other side of him where I cant reach it. Alice C!Quackity x Reader: A Short Dance Tommy, I dont like this, I say, pulling my arm out of his grasp and backing up. NOTE: Ill update this as much as I can. There you are, Schlatt lifted up his hand waving the empty bottle in her face, Get me more alcohol. Y/N pushed the bottle away. (Fluff alphabet by @magical-warlock !! Hey! He was already bathed and now covered in a blue blanket. #quackity x male reader. You must be very interested in that book youre reading Y/n, Peter says before taking a sip of his water. Vhy are you callzing me?" You get both :D Glatt and I have picked 10 prompts/song lyrics each, to which you can choose one and a character and well write you a thing! Im gonna take that silence as you are in that building. Enough! Zhen let me finish zhis chapter, he said, turning back to his book. You should have tried that first dipshit! You wanna cuddle with me, dont you~?, I do, but I want to finish zhis chapter more., Why does the book get your attention so much?. He'll wrap his arms around you and lightly stroke your hair. He likes to see your face. I dont care what youve done, I wont kill you!, All this work and its gone, Phil! It goes on like this for a while. I didnt need your help, I say laughing and slightly shoving him backward. But it was said by a traitor who was once part of L'manberg, named Eret. Watching as she turned on her heels and walked away. Withers had been spawned at his command and chaos had started. But he doesnt laugh. So again, thank you to everyone who likes what we do and has supported us over the past month <3, Glatt and I wanted to do different things: Im into song fics, Glatt wanted prompts. so heres a filler inbetween fics, im currently writing 3 and im trying to take my time, so in the mean time i whipped up this, im also posting an nsfw one later :), The fluff alphabet hcs! What was the first kiss like? - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. Fireworks ~ Quackity x Y/n Quackity x f!reader TW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff Note: In 1st person. Im scared of loud noises.. You weren't surprised when you saw your good friend Feliciano springing along amongst the snow like an over excited child, his small brown curl bouncing slightly with every leap of faith he took to get further into the thickening snow. Everything about this nation leads to death, and it has to be cleansed. knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 1)), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 2)), wilbur (tommy's older sibling!reader) (pt 1), wilbur (tubbo's older sibling! Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. Somehow, I had slipped up. Pass Me That, Would You? | Peter Parker. What would the marriage be like? (he says hell divorce Tubbo cuz he loves you :]]), after the stream, he will most definitely apologize for the joke (even if you didnt take it seriously), hes just so scared hes doing something wrong (haha relatable), overall hes really sweet and he loves you so damn much, and if you stop replying to his dms he will start tagging you in his tweets, you cant help but think how adorable he is, you finally answer to his dms and hes SO happy, mans will also brag about you ALL THE GODDAMN TIME, friendly reminder that i got a gf sooner than you, you and Phil laugh in the background while Wilbur jumps off a bridge (in minecraft ofc) to show how depressed he is in a joking manner, overall Tommys friends all know you from the very first day you two started dating, and they really like you cuz youre the only one who can control Tommys chaotic behavior, even tho youre also quite chaotic yourself, Tommy ofc also gets calledsimp many times and hes threatening to hunt down all the people that call him that, cuz not only it makes him uncomfy, but also you, addingand if you call me a simp, me and Y/n will hunt you down :) in the beginning of his vids became a tradition. So, instead, I sigh and float the cup over to him, purposely letting a couple of drops of water spill onto the front of his shirt. I dont know what I was thinking at the time, but I shouldnt have let him. Thanks <3, Yes I got it! I mean, you are paying more attention to that book, you mumbled. late night snaps (quackity x reader) - weed is currently taking a break Do it, do it or they will!. you choose <3, he cares about you very much and he shows it, every morning (even if you guys are in different time zones) you receive a good morning text, good morning beautiful, did you sleep well? I pull out my phone, opening Discord to find absolutely no messages from my main SMP friends. My L'manberg, Phil, my unfinished symphony forever unfinished. But- I cut in before Peter could interrupt. Quackity like his hair! The whole call bursts out laughing and Im reminded of how much I want to meet them all in person. Hope you enjoyed. Cw: use of Gods name (not sure if it needs to be here, but just in case ofc), just Quackity being a simp. In 1157 Henry the Lion, duke of Bavaria, granted the monks the right to establish a market where the road from Salzburg met the Isar River. 1,221 notes. Quackity - Freeform; Quackity x Reader; mcyt x reader - Freeform; x Reader; Summary. TG: how about you and me go for some ice cream tomorrow and drop sick beats like the, You lie on your bed, looking at the ceiling. Well chat, Tommy interrupts. If I knew Y/n was out there, right now, alive, I wouldnt do it. You take your keys and head out, the pale moon engulfing the sky. We wanted something to remember you by.. Your legs intertwining. Quackity sighed as he looked at the blueprint plans in front of him. He loves giving you forehead kisses and being the big spoon! History. Im sorry if your tall but for the sake of the story the reader is short. Why didnt you tell me I was having you use your abilities too much? He immediately asks as he walks in. A/N: I know its not the Fourth of July but Ive had this idea for forever so I wanted to write it. B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? Remember: D/n = Discord name, S/n = Ship name, N/n = Nickname. TW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff. Stop! I do, all the time. Future Failure Hello! Hope you're doing well. Could I request If he glanced behind himself he could still catch sight of his ship resting on the waters quite a distance away, although near enough that he didnt feel, thank God, abandoned. You looked up at the poster. Tommy looks over when he hears me laugh at the boys reaction. This was a request from my Wattpad, Lyssa_ily. You're coming backAnd it's the end of the worldWe're starting overAnd I love you darlingAnd I am done, dear. #minecraftyoutubers Stop spamming that! As you sat down you let out a sigh of relief. O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? You werent even aware of what was running on the television, it was just there for background noise. It was hard to think of marriage and love. #bbh Quackitys love language is touch! #quackity Taking a deep breath she pushed open the door. If so, what kind of? #punz That is when he's sober. This used to be a great country but you are destroying it! Y/N snarled. The stars twinkle in their distance, and the streets are very quiet, save for your footsteps and the occasional meowing of a cat. He was so kind, yes he was still an asshole back then. Schlatt: Back to Back. They had made a memorial for her and were in the process of placing flowers on it when Y/n had spotted them. Tommy, I whined, walking over to him and placing my head on his shoulder. He likes to look at you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Give me that, get me this! Doing paperwork Schlatt was too drunk to do. So when Y/n went into town to see the damage that Wilbur had caused, people were shocked to see her. I get out of the vehicle, looking around. How are you here?. T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Everyone turned to Y/n who was staring at this ghostly figure standing on the walkway. Yo Could I get a coffee shop au for Karl? ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ I could also hear clicking from his end and yelling that sounded like him asking for his tracking password. Nat looked up from the mission file, I cant do this one Captain. Please don't favourite/read and run, I enjoy reading comments whether negative or positive. Wilbur: Head on lap. Im reading, Ludwig answered, turning a page of his book. Games! Lets go before we miss the party. With that, he pulls me up and begins dragging me to the front door. He likes to lay his head on your lap. "I'm moving back to Italy with fratello's. E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? I gasp as I recognize the face, freezing when I recognize all the faces in the crowd. Quackity X Reader | Quotev Bbh: The sweetheart cradle/head on chest. John Egbert X Reader [Homestuck]- Rainy Day Key: [CH] - chum handle initials The gentle tapping of the rain as it pelted the walls and roof of your home was the only thing else to be heard than the quiet keys being clicked by nimble fingers. [CH] - chum handle initials There is nothing here. BE PROUD OF ME!!! Until you say yes, you answered, huffing and crossing your arms over your chest. Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? You should see the look on her face, Tommy says, somewhat annoyed. A group of Russian soldiers harassed a German woman off to the side of the street. I groaned even though the pain wasnt as bad as what Ive gone through before, but Im so tired. Oh god, Y/n what happened to you? Philza asked as he rushed to grab healing potions and bandages, before kneeling by her unconscious body. You were here for us when we needed a shoulder to lean on. Ugh, could this get any worse? Starting out in Europe, they quickly became the worlds most famous boy band. Especially if those people have never met you in real life. it always seems to help. #sapnap Schlatt: Back to Back. He tries to be romantic, although he fails alot of time time, he mainly just tries to be goofy and play it off, or hell actually be romantic and surprise himself, hes rather cliche. Y/n, were gonna need you to go undercover for this mission, Tony said after briefing everyone on what had happened. I started writing it but then I got stuck . He had just came back from mining. the blonde asked in concerned. Most of the buildings were finished, but the Eiffel Tower was . Im surprised you even finished it.. I gasp, this isnt what I wanted to happen, I just wanted to grab the pole hanging there. Lately, Bad Touch was all you ever thought about. But things take a slight turn in the wrong direction when Tommy not only sets off fireworks, but when he also sets off Y/ns fear of loud noises. He hummed a soothing German lullaby as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your hair, inhaling your scent. See, the boys are very protective of me. Quackity walked up behind her wrapping his arms around their waist. He quickly sits down next to me and covers my ears with his hands. Techno quickly made his way to her, pulling her into a tight hug. Its all gone! Phil yells, shaking me from my trance. Knowing (name) she was probably being bullied or chased again by his older bruder and his dummkopf friends, since she was the youngest of the Vagras brother Lovino and Feliciano. Shes gone and there is nothing I can do about it. Munich, or Mnchen ("Home of the Monks"), traces its origins to the Benedictine monastery at Tegernsee, which was probably founded in 750 ce. Whatever you say, babe, Peter says grinning. I mean, Im a Twitch Streamer for goodness sake. I honestly shouldnt have let him stream from my setup! You had 3 weeks to complete that essay and you put it off until the night before. How do you handle Tommys yelling and screaming them? He looks worried, but I just chuckle. Apparently, it could. Karl likes you to be very close. And you want to just blow it all up? Phil asks, very cautiously. At first, I couldnt understand a word hed say, but now I know bits and pieces. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. You risked your life for all of us and made sure our lives were perfect. (he says hell divorce Tubbo cuz he loves you :]]), after the stream, he will most definitely apologize for the joke (even if you didnt take it seriously), hes just so scared hes doing something wrong (haha relatable), overall hes really sweet and he loves you so damn much, and if you stop replying to his dms he will start tagging you in his tweets, you cant help but think how adorable he is, you finally answer to his dms and hes SO happy, mans will also brag about you ALL THE GODDAMN TIME, friendly reminder that i got a gf sooner than you, you and Phil laugh in the background while Wilbur jumps off a bridge (in minecraft ofc) to show how depressed he is in a joking manner, overall Tommys friends all know you from the very first day you two started dating, and they really like you cuz youre the only one who can control Tommys chaotic behavior, even tho youre also quite chaotic yourself, Tommy ofc also gets calledsimp many times and hes threatening to hunt down all the people that call him that, cuz not only it makes him uncomfy, but also you, addingand if you call me a simp, me and Y/n will hunt you down :) in the beginning of his vids became a tradition. Either playing minecraft and annoying the shit out of you or blowing your phone out at like 2 am and being like hey bitch guess what? I see no party. Nothing, throwing things at the wall is fun. (Remember you can be as detailed or as vague as you want to! You just kept hugging and stroking your little baby as he peacefully rested on your chest. Karl, Wilbur, Quackity, and Sapnap with insecure plus-sized s/o :D, Quackity x f!readerTW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff, It Started With Hey, babe? Holy shit! Why did he have to go and be a dumbass?. Ur my boy/girlfriend now ha. ! Tommy Give me my phone back! I yell reaching for it. Worked for the success of Manburg. Dude! :], Karl would most definitely want to share his happiness of having you with his fans, and if youre ok with it, hell write little appreciation tweets for you <3, but if you dont want much attention drawn to you, Karl would be very chill abt it and respect you, this sounds clich but falling asleep on call, for example - you or him couldnt fall asleep and called the other to ask whats the best medicine to take to fall asleep but you guys end up chatting till 4am, if you fall asleep first, hell get real quiet and just enjoy the fact that talking to him makes you so calm that you can fall asleep, if you guys are facetiming, Karl will just stare at your peaceful sleeping face for a bit and then end the call with a grin on his face, the first times you were a bit shy and didnt show your face, just talked time to time, when you got comfortable, you turned on your camera on the discord call :], Karl was very happy to see you comfy with him and his fans, the chat are swooning and calling you very pretty/handsome/gorgeous. She walked quickly heading for Schlatts office. Y/N flinched trying to stand up straighter. I love you Quackity spoke. hallo! You scowled, impatiently tapping your foot. I huff, sinking into my seat, defeated. His office, located smack dab in the center of Las Nevadas above the Casino was illuminated by the lights. Everyone had signed the plaque to show their love and flowers were planted and placed all around the memorial. Y/n could have deactivated it like she threatened so many times.. Me sitting next to Alex on the loveseat. You saw your friend/fellow dog enthusiast Ludwig with his German Shepherd Blitzkrieg. Language . So I keep scrolling to find this. #karljacobs To our dearest Y/n, throughout all the years, we have been grateful for everything you have done for us. When things get too full and overwhelming Ill create separate masterlists for each different fandom. cuddles with quackity quackity x reader - where's my hair? Most people honestly would have lost any hope for finding it, lost all belief in the idea of true love, but not him. This is it, its over, I say reaching for the button. mcyt x reader oneshots - i want you (quackity) - Wattpad Tommy! He nuzzled into her neck. He runs outside, everyone else following. reblog appreciated! It was your good friend Dave that was bothering you. But there was one thing that was not in the background, and that was your phone. Y/n lived off of the woods and villages that . I ponder that question for a minute. But I cant live in this place knowing that she she died here. and if you dont want to talk, hell understand and remind you how much he loves you <33, hes a bit more private when it comes to his love life, (if youre comfy) just like Ranboo, youre wearing a mask and glasses on his streams :]], the chat loves the chaotic neutral couple vibes you two are giving off, Ranboo sometimes makes some jokes about getting a divorce with you since he wants to marry Tubbo, and sometimes its the other way around! Tommy comes up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. He hummed a soothing German lullaby as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your hair, inhaling your scent. Alex looks shocked at that. Alex turns his phone around, showing you to his stream. She was gone Now, there was no one here to stop me from my reckless thinking. G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Sam left the room, Charlie following to see him out of the area and make sure he would finish the tower. Alright Y/n, I need you to tell us where you are. TW: Cussing, Mention of Medication, Mention of Injuries. Releasing her he walked over to the jukebox. . Wilbur wasnt by her side when she woke, and he was too calm while he held her during what she thought were her last moments. I was running for my fucking life. I freed myself from Tommys hold and ran down the path to the crowd. T, Germany X Reader ~ Comfort I huff in annoyance, the last thing I want to do is rant to Steve. After returning from taking you back to the savest place he could think of, he decided that this counted as things going horribly wrong.