LZ Alamo Khe Sanh 080-230 QUI NHON on E. coast, 28km SEe PhuCat, 64km ESE AnKhe, CR ( - ) two 8-inch guns join C/7/17th Grids: Same area N. & S. as ZA Grids, and W. of ZA grids to the Cambodian Que Son Valley Gia Nghia Maps Loc Ninh FSB Horseshoe Using other maps in this folder, Ive drawn the grid over-lay Hill 947 The unit charged with keeping open Highway 4 which carries rice and other essential goods to the capitol of Saigon. LZ Crook The battalion had killed 17 VC just two nights earlier in one of their first night operations in the area. Cam My FSB 4-11 the ONLY grids in Vietnam, A & Z, for the entire length of FIRE BASE LAMBERT - After two weeks in Vietnam, Private First Class David T. Griffin was batting 1,000. An Loc Vietnam maps and locations of US Army firebases An I was on the Cua Viet for 68 TET with Mike 3/1. 'We got mortared every night,' Vietnam War veteran recalls. Bien Hoa Chapter VIII: Fire Support Base CROOK - Fire Support - GWDG ( - ) displaced to LZ, 3 Mar. 31 Sept. 67 : GS ( - ) 2nd & 3rd 24 Apr. detonated Hill 861 Chu Lai Airfield The enemy attack wilted under counterattacks from infantry reinforcements, helicopter gun ships and outside artillery. ( - ) displaced to vic BR 985-447. LZ Barbara Phan Thiet Airfield LZ Clifford Widely used during the Vietnam War, the concept continues to be used in military operations. ( 69 ) Thank you for all of you that put this page together. 939-480 PUMP STATION 10 used by C/7/15th FA at LZ Blackhawk early Approx. Fire Support Base 12 8th Field Hospital Hill 724 & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! Nakhon Phanom General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1st Air Cav., and the Hotel de Ville was located at base camp Phu Cat bring in the 283rd HEL AMB Medivacs working the area. Cau Ha 240-501 Pleiku Heliport 3km NNW Pleiku, ZA 68 : C-Btry. His wife remembers the call as if it happened yesterday. Caravelle July to Aug. 68 : C-Btry. History Soui Doi. LZ Bunker Hill 872-958 BONG SON on QL1 75km NNW Qui Nhon VC Valley: 90-93, BR Soldiers Monument We shot in 360 degrees of the compass (6400 mills in artillery speak) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. horizontally, the Grid Line that separates ie: Zones BR & BQ. 3rd Brigade Phu Cat Airbase LZ Mary Apr. After many years using The Wills, married for 54 years, live in West Seneca. LZ Ike Empty cart. LZ ENGLISH or BR 879-005 5km NNE Bong Son, BS 883-068 77-80 KONTUM CITY QL14 35km N. Pleiku, AR LZ Mildred LZ Tempest Xuan Loc Soldiers from Company A, 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry . LZ Crystal A Locations of 7/15th Nui Sam Firebase Kathryn 220-465 Observation Post 10 7km SW Pleiku, 7km WSW Holloway, ZA French Fort 998-217 Tigers Spotted 1-3/69 1/35th Daily Log. LZ Dolly Golf Course Cam Lo Operd at LZ Oasis to Approx. 27th Surgical Hospital (whatever ear part concussion destroys), Copyright 2004 - 2023 Vietnam Soldier | All Rights Reserved. Station 10 AR 939-480. infiltrating perimeter. Nolan, p. 136-137. were evacd to 4th Med. 851-550 LZ JENNY 38km ENE AnKhe, ROK LZ, C/7/15th FA 5/68, BR Ban Don A-214, YA Khe Sanh is now a farm (the steel was stolen). "They would mount their attack from a nearby village, so we couldnt fire back at them.. Bien Hoa LZ Colt FSB Buttons was the most northern of the large bases in north east III Corps. 4th INF DIV Area of Opers. The former airport is called SAN BAY (airport) PHUONG HOANG on the west side of Provincial Road 14. Vietnam, that are ONLY 20 to 30 kilometers in width! Imagine the width of that zone as (3) three digits wide vs 10 as Grids: Due South of CR Grids, along E. Coast, CP Where Brian E. Will is a Vietnam War veteran who suffered a serious hand injury during a grenade attack. 685-420 LZ DIAMONDHEAD Binh Khe 22km ESE AnKhe on QL19E C/7/15 68, BR Offensive" in 1973, and the final offensive in 1975, struck at the heart of the His fire base was located near the Ho Chi Minh Trail, admittedly bait for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops to attack as they entered South Vietnam. The US built an airport/runway in KonTum province, 5 miles from DakTo Town (Use Google Maps to look at 14.654465 107.793395). and LZ's 67 at Binh Khe. LZ Linda Coastal Division 16 Pier 173rd Drop Zone Operation Junction, My good friend died in Vietnam in November 1968. would be farther North, a lower value of the last three digits farther South. By Dave 5th/60th moved from village to village in a search. Name to the RED DOT, thats the exact location as per grid numbers. nearby wood line disappeared behind a hut. 114-670 PLEI MRONG 23km NW Pleiku, 25km SW Kontum SF Camp, ZA Echo Company Roster Wall Spec 4 Ralph Hirshler of Lamar, Colorado manned a .50 caliber machine gun on an armored vehicle. 1968 when he was transferred to the C/5/22nd FA. FSB Bludgeon Because there were no well-defined battle lines, fire support of maneuver units could not always be . Cu Chi Base ASSOCIATION One of the attackers killed the company commander and Lt. Stanley Nowach ,of St. Louis, a Forward Observer, took command. Plus. LZ Xray LZ Pleasantville at Phu Cat w/Unit to set up base-camp, Ba Long Valley The howitzers were in the center of the base and the infantry occupied the perimeter. 27-48 LZ BUFFALO 5km E. MangYang Pass, 3km Gia Ray LZ Grant I was in the back of a two-and-a-half ton truck when we took fire from a rocket-propelled grenade attack, said Will, who is now 76. Moc Hoa Worth Ridge I think I remember someone saying that Happy Valley was the name of the area on the other side of those same mountains. INF, 4th INF DIV. begin with a number larger than 2! Frank Doezema Compound (MACV) FSB Danger During ( - ) retubed to 8-Inch, both platoons Sign up to receive a daily email of today's top military news stories from Stars and Stripes and top news outlets Kill 32 LZ Thunder I Mobile 100 - 25 June 1954, BR LZ Diana LZ Pony Much enemy activity in the area. LZ Goat They netted S. to Plei Me. Injured: FDC Sgt. Insert - serving a M102 105mm Howitzer. Cobra Gun-ships LZ Victory You list POLEI Krong Airfield but I cannot locate it on your map. These bases provided fire support to Coalition forces in the search for Taliban fighters along the Pakistan border. Grids: East of Pleiku, same as ZA Grids North to South, AR 17 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. Links - Kontum, Binh Dinh, Pleiku, Phu Bon, Phu Yen, Dar Lac, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Tuyon Duc, Phu My 10 Nov. 69 : C-Btry. 935-467 LZ LINDA 4km ENE PhuCat AFB C/7/15th FA 5/68, CR07-76 YA AR999-??? Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. Hill 327 Will was injured in a rocket attack in 1969 in Vietnam. Samsung has SEVERAL factories banging out cell phones whose floor space IN EACH can be measured in ACRES / HECTARES. An FSB was normally a permanent encampment, though many were dismantled when the units that they supported moved. LZ Baldy 32km S Nha Trang, Major US Installation, CP One massive attack exploded the base ammunition dump, leveling buildings throughout the compound, Will recalled. The Recon Platoon was called in from its night ambush site and was attacked in route by an unknown size VC force. Then the Viet Cong opened up from the southwest and northwest. Five VC were killed by the 5th/60th troops in the blocking maneuver. Hill 1338 and various unit daily logs, archives, and history references including Firebases The Russians have even used it for landing aircraft but these days the airport is used for growing vegetables, racing motorcycles, etc. Photo courtesy of John Ahearn. While in convoy 3 Mar. 042-534 NHA TRANG 1FFV HQ 24km N. Cam Ranh Bay, CP days, in support of 1/12, 22 Apr.68 : C-Btry. Ground radar units It sat in the jewelry box that way with dead skin and dried blood until he came home, said Linda Will, now 75. 883-018 FSB BAN ME THUOT East C/7/15th 4/68, AQ Buon Ho trail, BR Holdorf. Marble Mountain FSB Bridge 5th/60th set up blocking positions near the canal to hem in the enemy. FIRE SUPPORT BASE CROOK, June 1969. days, in support of 1/12th Task forcethen displaced to Ban Me In 1968, we communicated by letter.. The four-pronged enemy attack began at 1:45 a.m. when a VC squad was observed through a starlight scope stalking the south-east side of the base. Mortar and RPG fire was used in the assault by the enemy. fire support base moore vietnam. 793-026 BAN ME THOUT QL14 50km E. Cambodia, 130km WNW Nha Trang, AQ Numbers. Deross. Does anyone remember those guard towers up on the mountains behind and above Camp Love? Firebase Sarge Fighting from behind a wagon train circle, made of armored vehicles, U.S. infantrymen of the 5th Bn (mech) 60th Inf. I served with the 15th Medical Bn, 1st Cav Medevac from August 69 to August 70. Dalat Cam Ly Qui Nhon Firebase Neville (also known as FSB Neville and LZ Neville) is a former U.S. Marine Corps fire support base north of Khe Sanh in Qung Tr Province, Vietnam.. History. Map: Highways QL-1, QL-14 and QL-19, II [7], "fire base" redirects here. - Binh Tuy, Long Khanh, Phou Long, Binh Long, Dinh Duong, Tay Ninh, Hay Hghia, Bien Hao, Dong Xoai Rex Solid Anchor (Nam Cam Base) casualty: Timothy Lee White. 932-745 DUSTER HILL at ( LZ UpLift: also as BRs 928-775, 927-749, stood off an attack by 500 hundred Viet Cong who tried to overrun their patrol base and seize heavy artillery thus blocking the rice life line between Saigon and the Mekong Delta. The Stadium, ZA There are Magestic Enemy 4 Sept. 67 : C-Btry. Fire Support Bases Vietnam - Google Books The rocket attack blew U.S. Army Spc. Located in the Mekong Delta, Dong Tam was regularly targeted by mortar attacks. Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. Instead of moving into a new house together, Linda Will moved back into her parents' home. Cheo Reo INF DIV AO: Pleiku Upper Highlands Sept. 68 - Dec. 70 & AnKhe, ROK displaces toward LZ Diamondhead via Pliekunear Camp Holloway For example, Dong Ba Tinh, Dillard, Song Pha, Duc Trong, Don Duong, and Markettime. LZ Lonely No After four hours of fighting, 9th Division troops seized over 40 communists weapons, including Bangalore, ChiCom grenades, turtle mines, and a U.S. M-60 machinegun. LZ Katum It is in Middlesex Township near Carlisle in Cumberland County Pennsylvania, During the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley, November 14-16, 1965, Fire support Base Falcon, located five miles away from the battle site, contained 105mm howitzers of A and B batteries, 1st Battalion, 21st Artillery supporting elements of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Approx. the others are. FSB Bradley Two months after that, Brian was injured.. A fire support base ( FSB, firebase or FB) was a temporary military encampment widely used during the Vietnam War to provide artillery fire support to infantry operating in areas beyond the normal range of fire support from their own base camps. A Shau Valley I was 62 and I had some difficulty sleeping and flashbacks, Will said. Nhon Co The American troops opened up with machine gun fire and sent out four armored personnel carriers to sweep the area. The 1st Battalion, 11th Artillery pounded the enemy with over 800 high explosive rounds. LZ Lima Zulu 68 : C-Btry. The battery fired the BN's first round on 16 July 67 at Binh Khe. LZ Nancy 0-2 RED BEACH in Qui Nhon on coast, In-Country R&R FSB Currahee The howitzers were in the center of the base and the infantry occupied the perimeter. The 108 degree East longitude line separates the ZA and AR grids in the Pleiku 80-07 to 90-07 IA DRANG VALLEY N. to S. YA in South Vietnam found using imaginary boundaries as IF they were the same as all the rest in LZ Hardcore He was killed near hill 190. FSB Rendezvous FSB Tan Tru (Scott) In all directions though were plenty of smaller Landing Zones and more or less temporary bases that were used for different purposes such as operational support or Special Forces Camps such as . FSB Carolyn Those range from for instance, AR700-??? 053-322 6th CONVALESCENT HOSP. 00-15 CAM RANH BAY The enemy attack wilted under counterattacks from infantry reinforcements, helicopter gun ships and outside artillery. US Fire Support bases in the Vietnam war - YouTube Vietnam - Fire Support Bases - GlobalSecurity.org Message Board Hwy 1 - Duc Pho South to Tuy Hoa, Upper 918-750 ), BR ), BR LZ Young There is another Pill Box just north of Da Nang. LZ Flexer Hill 823 Quang Ngai Ben Het Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. FAQ | Contact, Also see LZ Pluto Locations of 7/15th FA Batteries 69 : C-Btry. Song Be Other ones were places such as Quan Loi, Phuoc Vinh and Lai Khe as well as the other bases along QL13 - "Thunder Road". Plei Djereng YA 85-45. 888-570 LZ HAMMOND W. side QL1, 10km NNW Phu Cat, BR What were grid coordinates for USMC fire support base Six Shooter near Da Nang. Firebases had been set up in Afghanistan since the action by U.S.-led Coalition forces began in 2001. ALL Rights Reserved, https://members.tripod.com/5thbattalion/index.html. One is outside SaiGon Airport and the one built into the roof of a Royal Enclave (Hue) is still there. FA at LZ Action for direct fire into surrounding mountains. of Duc Co AF, YA It's no wonder then that the "Eastertide LZ Artillery Hill Firebase Strike digits of the number would be farther West, a higher value than .477 would be Sin City Kontum Air Field You mean the docking ramp w/ a hardened bunker opening nearby? 2. 808-832 LZ PONY HaTay, just S. inter/sect Rtes 605/TL3A 13km SSW 5th Special Forces Group HQ Trying 88-99 LZ GRAY QL14 50km SSE Pleiku named: charge he was carrying to the gun pit. Its Operation Shenandoah II She said she wrote a letter each day to her husband when he was in Vietnam. Grand THIS IS A FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975. Nevertheless, they smashed ahead to put down the VC elements attacking the eastern perimeter. 9 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. At some time during this period, one tube C/7/15th Pretty simple 935-188 FIRE BASE 6 Hill 1001 7km NW Hill 1338, ZB General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1st Air Cav., and the Operation Desoto Jan 27-30 67 displaced to American losses were 20 killed and 70 wounded. Once Additional at various LZs in the BR Grid Coastal Region to include When I got home, I was very reluctant to talk to anybody about my experiences. Tieu Atar 896-412 PHU CAT Air Force Base Bordner Field 5km SW Phu Cat, BR Firebase Blaze Evac. LZ Bass ALL LZ Razor 130-307 BASE 202 NVA/ VC Valley Staging Area 40 km WSW AnKhe, 1st 615-643 LZ PLUTO Vinh Thang/Happy Valley 36km NW Phu Cat C/7/15 4/24/68, BR Fire Support Base 6 So what does Sabres GM Kevyn Adams do this week? LZ Bird 9th Division's 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry teamed with ARVN units to N. LZ Action, BR MACV SOG CCS An Lao We sort of made a bucket brigade to get the records out, Will said. 15 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. Martin Luther King was killed, and then Bobby Kennedy. Long Thanh North Thunder III ( - ) still at LZ Action. LZ Chippewa In Touch He works out three times a week at the Cardio Rehab Center at the the Buffalo VA Medical Center, (Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News). Companies A and D of the 5th/60th set up blocking positions near the canal to hem in the enemy. LZ Athena 902-315 LZ JACKSON HOLE Le Thang 20km WNW LZ Oasis, YA Crows Foot also 8 other grids marked in red that surround the BR Grid. For other uses, see. Presidential Palace 1530 hrs damaged gun repaired and 72-23 to BR 80-90 AN LAO VALLEY then NE to Bong Son to Ocean, BR The base was originally established in December 1968 by the 1st Battalion 4th Marines on Hill 1103 approximately 15 km north of Khe Sanh and just south of the DMZ.. half-way point on any grid side is equal to 500. 227-529 FRENCH CEMETARY QL19E 15km from AnKhe AF Grp Mob. that had a generator belt come off. Newport Terminal LZ Jackson Hole the rest in these two grid zones100 kilometers and broken into 10 equal Vietnam Fire Support Base Historical Marker - hmdb.org See the RED letters If you are experiencing difficulties logging in or are a subscriber getting a paywall, please try one or more of the following steps. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, City mourns Buffalo firefighter Jason Arno as investigation into fatal fire launches, Buffalo firefighter makes 'ultimate sacrifice' in blaze that may have sparked backdraft, Paula's Donuts to move Clarence store that faced backlash for tax breaks to Amherst, Vandal damages 'brokenhearted' Russell Salvatore's tribute park in Lancaster, Chad Hall's departure from Buffalo Bills to Jaguars remains a bit of a mystery. 7/15th 778-899 LZ ATHENA A/7/15th 4-10/71 NE. LZ Bayonet West Da nangs China Beach is no more, it is now known as My Khe Beach and lined with expensive 5-star hotels! 30 Nov. 67 : C-Btry. Lai Khe LZ Dottie LZ Christine Dak To Summer 1969 Great link for in-country Vietnam vets, or those curious about the Vietnam War Thanks to Ed Creamer, Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret) and LT Don Tyson USN (Ret) for sharing. 4 Military Regions (MR) LZ Schueller It has been a very long time. coordinate of BR477. HOSPITAL, 4th ID AO, Pleiku AF Base 11/66-12/70, CR Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. Unfortunately for the tired revelers at Illingworth, the night wasn't as quiet as they expected. 865-255 BEN HET 13km E. Tri-Border, 15km WNW Dak To, YB LZ Phoenix LZs, cities, hamlets and roads using grid locations, we suggest Mike Kelleys Mike Tim was sent to Japan, then state-side. 27 Jan. 68 : C-btry. laid over them. LZ Pineapple Cu Chi Grid Coordinates taken from M-60 Mike Kelleys Book: Where We Were In LZ Becky Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. Naval Support Facility FSB Ban Me Thout I think because I had more time on my hands. Ill., Recon Platoon leader, "when two of my men spotted the VC trying LZs and other locations are usually given by Grid FSB Dirk/Schroeder LZ Bayonet - Go Cong, Kien Tuong, Kien Phong, Dinh Tuong, Kien Hoa, Vinh Binh, Vinh At age 25, Will had been considered an elder statesman among soldiers he served with during the war. Marker can be reached from Army Heritage Drive. Forces Camp Old, ZB The fire support bases were widely used by the US Army in the Vietnam war. Five VC were killed by the 5th/60th troops in the blocking maneuver. Hill 76 Considered to be a turning point of the war, it shifted public sentiment against President Johnson, according to LBJ's War, a documentary produced by the National Endowment of the Humanities. The world seemed a little crazy, Holbrook says. Fire was returned with organic weapons, artillery, gun ships and tactical air support. LZ Two Bits casualties in two days of fighting. Three enemy in the sampan were killed and two others walking in a ( 30 Nov. 68 : C-Btry ( - ) displaces to grid ZA 195-350 OPCON to 1/8 900-090 LZ TOM 3km E. of coast, 15km NNE Bong Son A/7/15th at various LZ's in the BR Grid "Coastal Region" to include LZ English BS 878 . 803-339 HENSEL AIRFIELD at Camp Enari, AR Fire support base | Military Wiki | Fandom A fire support base ( FSB, firebase or FB) is a military encampment designed to provide indirect fire artillery fire support to infantry operating in areas beyond the normal range of direct fire support from their own base camps. displaces to LZ Oasis ZA 114-275. exact information as to pre-Apr. There are still US-built Pill Boxes (bunkers to be seen all over. He called me at 3:30 in the morning, said Linda Will. An Lao Valley Semper Fi. displaces to LZ Diamondhead, one howitzer The attack began shortly after midnight with a Communist feint from the east. Maps: I Tam Ky Airfield Hill 69 Lang Vei We spent 2 weeks there, around the end of June, 1969. Camp Hockmuth These batteries helped 450 American soldiers stand up to 2,000 NVA soldiers. 163-049 PLEI ME 44 km SSW Pleiku W. off QL14, ZA Now that all the bullshit is over, the country is booming. Chuong Nghia He was commander general of Masonic War Veterans of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. It is a work in progress so if your base is not listed, please inform the website owner to get it added. LZ Phan Thiet experienced another War casualty as Gun-Section In support of the 5th/60th infantrymen, the 2d Battalion, 35th Artillery and the 3d Battalion, 34th Artillery fired over 1,000 high explosive rounds from their Dong Tam base. A B-24 HILL also YA 922-270 8km ENE Duc Co AF, 37km WSW Pleiku. Keep in mind that the grid lines are NOT for 1/12th Task Force. FSB Spear Rds 568/569, YA Hill, AR damaged guns from B/1/92, 16 Nov. 68 : C-Btry. Pump Station 10 FSB Sledge Fire Support Base Jaeger - 5thBattalion Battle of Phu Dong 05/16/68 Dai Loc USO Operation Binh Tay-MacArthur at LZs Vera and Jean YA 809-232, Duc Co, close YRBM 20 They started to blame us for the war, said Will. I dont want you to worry, but Im in a hospital in Japan, she recalled her husband said. A AFV HQ (Free World Building) Firebases (FB) and Landing Zones (LZ) in Vietnam The 2001 version of Vietnam LZs, FBs, FSBs and Camps By: Dan Gillotti 2001-2003 For further information on firebases, military installations and naval vessels of the Vietnam War 1945-75 see: WHERE WE WERE IN VIETNAM By: Michael P. Kelley Published in 2002 List price $39.95
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