He is the author of many books dealing with commentary of the Bible and Commentaries. I wish to think it s not the norm. This will be open on Mon-Thurs from 12 noon until 4pm, and on Sundays from 11am until 5pm. You are absolutely spot on. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news from Provo, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. Haman would have been very proud!! I personally was raised in a secular environment and can tell u in certain terms that these boys did not come to this on their own it takes a village to raise a child more specifically the klippah then are surrounded in has begun to permeate them. We as Lubavitchers have no time to deal with the darkness, we are busy lighting, to show their sincere remorse there should be a weekly achdus chassidus chavrusah between ner yisroel and the zal over there as a recent graduate from our education system, and having been through three yeshivos, we are not innocent of this kind of behavior. This was a full week ago. The kids and teenagers know better and ahavas yisroel and derech eretz is more ingrained. Sunday, Contrary to what this rosh yeshiva said in the conversation. Were they expecting that the Kaplans will inform COL that they gave shalach manos to them? I thank these bochurim. Since it is impossible for the hanhalah of this Baltimore mosad to gather all the feathers from the pillow that is, to apologize to every single Jew (not just Chabad!) This shtick was done by not all, but some of the 54 members of the N.I. There are chaburos of yungeleit who are learning the Yeshiva mesechta, as well as many others involved in a diversity of other areas in Shas; some are doing it in a more lomdishe manner while others have a more halacha-oriented approach. Or Haner provides teenagers from Latin America with an environment of warmth, friendliness, fun, and connection to Yiddishkeit that is best suited to create a meaningful and happy connection with their families, their communities and their Jewish heritage. When we were given the Torah we wereRead more , A real rachmanus on these boys that they are so misguided and are involved in such stupidity. A few years later, the ladys daughter married a Jewish boy and moved to a foreign country. Not descend to Litvak bashing? the rebbe said that there are no real misnagdim today. for sure the Aibershter remembers ltova those who seek to create shalom among His people. Guess who got into trouble? The jewish people should be UNITED this is just divisive & sickening. Like many thousands of other Chabad bochurim, my boys wereRead more . the gyva is shocking, Yes, there is much unncecessary litvish bashing but the other comment someone made is also correct. His reaction should be this was wrong, we will talk to our students about showing respect to other Jews and respect to other communities gedolim, we apologize on behalf of our students. Definitely NOT: these were just kids horsing around, back off will you, how dare you publish these private photos! This will blow over in a couple of days but it leaves a horrible impression. The Yeshiva attracts talmidim from communities around the world who wish to attain their full potential in Gadlus baTorah and Avodas Hashem. To be mocked for trying to make the world a betterRead more , wanted shalom rubaskin out of business, they had successed beyond there wildest dreams, there is nothing funny about this, it will come back to them, hashem runs the world. To inform, By tomorrow morning the will be back mocking . Those commenting with disgust are certainly correct in their outrage for this particular scenario. Allow the Rebbes brochos to permeate all Benei Yisroel This is simply a symptom of a much larger core issue. I think we should not let them off so easily.We should let the hanhala know in no uncertain terms that something serious is lacking in their hadracha.Is this the outcome of the Torah and mussar which they inculcate in their talmidim?What would R.Yisroel Salanter,after whom the yeshiva is named,say. I think that was wrong too but Ner Yisroel bochurim were saying nasty low life things about the Rebbe. ner yisroel news. Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that reflect their unique strength and personality. Defaming the Lubavitcher Rebbe is more dangerous than playing with fire. BH we do as our Rebbe taught us. Theres nothing wrong with serving HaShem differently then another Yid might be serving HaShem. Your very very judgmentel #2. And very negative. poor them theyre just confused and tying to get attention. I totally agree with you. Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. The irony here is that when any of their talmidim walk into a chabad house around the world, they are welcomed with open arms. Weather. Definetly parts of this is disrespectful. On Purim, when we rise above differences, , photos of the Rebbe were displayed on Ner Yisroel campus! If the kids felt comfortable enough to completely turn the entire yeshiva into a mockery of chabad & the rebbe it must be something that the menahel are ok with & maybe even talk about or joke about. Please see my website: thingstodowheyourenotchabad.com **It is my personal opinion that Mission Purim Schtick in all Chabad Yeshivas should be annulled, aborted, ended, confiscated, obliterated. sad. The yeshiva cant be blamed because it was an amateur act of a talmid but then you say that the amateur act of a talmid is a formal apology by the institution. Theres Sefardim, Ashkenazim, Belz, Satmar, etc etc. Rabbi Mayerfeld, dean, a professor of Talmud and Jewish Law has distinguished himself as a professor in our graduate programme, for over 35 years. What motivates your position? Get real. But Im totally not excusing them, it was not okay what they did. The hanhala was taken completely off guard when they walked in for shacharis. Trust me, Ive seen this from the inside secretly theyd love to be a part of the action. Rather, they should be placed on probation after this grave sin for a period of five years and a monitor appointed to institute PC sensitivity training. Time to clean up the mess in our own backyard!!! You should be ashamed of your self. Ner Yisroel Today An integral part of the Ner Yisroel experience is the interaction between its three divisions: the Mechina, Bais Medrash and Kollel. The three week sessions take place twice a year on Ner Yisroels campus: for South Americans on their summer break during the Northern Hemispheres winter, while Mexican and Central American teens attend the summer session. Please. Lots of key apology words, but no apology or to whom, and saying nothing. Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, president of the Ner Yisrael Rabbinical College in Baltimore, passed away this week after being ill for the past year, according to Jewish news sources. BYU art show questions news literacy, finding fact vs. fiction. 11 czerwca 2022 . And that doesnt even matter. What hiskashrus to a Rebbe is about. We complain all the time about the fanatics in Meah Shearim, but this lot are worse. We may make light of a mannerism that is foreign to our own upbringing and style in a camp skit or something but never personally insulting their leaders or even the masses of litvish yidden. They spent HOURS AND NO ONE SAID NOTHINGGGGGGG????????? Sadness because these boys are so ignorant and misguided (and likely full of hate), to have done what they did. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights thats an apology? The families and Yeshivah is guilty. Chasidus was started at YU; now bring it to Ner Israel. The yidden in general were broken by shabsai tzvi. Amazed they spent so much time and effort ridiculing a tzaddik and his followers. They havent been caught so it doesnt exist? And yes NI should ask mechilla from the Rebbi. He is also currently a professor of Talmud in our undergraduate program. living in 2018 this should not be happening. good for you! They should be trembling in fear of the consequences that will be put upon them, the yeshivah, the kids and the parents. Rabbi Greenberger, dean, joined our staff in 1991, after completing 10 years of graduate work in Talmudic Research and Jurisprudence. But really, this is now between them and Hashem. Lchaim! The person who administers the Ner Yisroel college program is sitting shiva this week. I would callRead more . Everyone should look in the mirror and ask what he or she can learn for his or her own avodah. Either way, its rare for Lubavitchers to have a visceral hatred to a fellow Jew of any other community sect within yiddishkeit. Each grade completes one bekius masechtaper year as part of the curriculum; in addition, there are special incentives that inspire manybochurimto voluntarily bemesayemthebeiyun masechtaduring off-hours. on earth can any Lubavitcher shrug this off as just a Purim joke? A GRAVE YARD ON THE FRONT CAMPUS????? Thats more than any of us have done for the jokes weve made. Its kids in school who put on Purim shtick. I am a Lubavitcher, and as it so happens, I have been working on the Ner Yisroel Campus over the past year. Kids misbehave and it doesnt have to end up on social media. A signed apology on official stationery is a minimum requirement. Furthermore, some of the bochurim offered me drinks, especially on the warm summer days. We hate Hamas, not yidden. it is no secret where they go for fun. The Rebbe doesnt need us to defend him. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. That letter sounds like it came out of a Microsoft Word Template. Those schools and families should be dealing with their own community issues -and Balitmore has plenty not teaching to hate another Jewish community. No one told parents what they were working on props and etc and NOT ONE parent called or saw to stop it ?? stands for. They knew exactly what they were doing! The choice is each of ours, . Its a two way street my friend. Forty years ago a shliach put up a menorah in the town square of a small city, and a non-frum Jewish lady became extremely upset and wrote letters of protest to the local newspaper. but who here would like their private thoughts and speech about the non-lubavitch world made public? We have to focus on what good WE can do. The doors of Teshuva are always opened, but it requires the responsible parties to take the appropriate action and apologize. The shliach doesnt need the apology, its them to go to the rebbes ohel which they made fun of is needed to ask mechila. They should institute mandatory classes in Tanya there, mandatory trips to the Ayhel and 770, appoint a Lubavitcher as mashgiach and mashpia, and a Lubavitcher as Rosh Yeshiva. THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! Home > 2022 > Junho > 22 > Uncategorized > ner yisroel news. What is your ultimate goal? As someone who grew up in the Lubavitch community, I have never seen such an unwelcoming atmosphere to other gedolim and limmud haTorah outside of what the Rebbe perscribed. Did they make a mockery of him specifically? Klipa can only be dealt with through uprooting. where are the boys signatures or for that matter anybodys signature, I thought something odd , on tne lines the same as nu 2 , wss strange for ner yisroel to express themselves like this The fact that the Rosh refuses to apologize is evidence that they dont truly believe that they have done something wrong. (Podcast Episode) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. Chabad & the Rebbe deserve a lot more resect for all the good we have done in this world. Rabbi Hochman has been an instructor with Ner Israel for more than 40 years and is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of Talmud and Jewish Jurisprudence. The schools principal Rabbi Simcha Cook told COLlive.com the exhibit was taken down. This involves our Rebbe! Many kehillos in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela, have no Jewish educational system due to their small size or low level of observance. the REBBE and his Chassidim whose whole purpose is to The Shops At Riverwoods is located at 4801 North University Ave. (US Highway 189) in Provo, Utah at the base of the Wasatch Mountains near the entrance to Provo Canyon. Thats a true apology. And shtus, I THINK THE PROPER FORM OF PENANCE WOULD BE FOR EACH OF THE BOCHURIM TO LEARN ONE PEREK OF TANYA. The avera of venosi Lo sooir applies even leachar misa. A group of bochurim who identified as students of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore visited the home of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Director of Chabad-Lubavitch . Had a good handle on the situation. 250 Bathurst Glen Drive Frum children should know and be taught better to respect other Gedolim just as we would hope our students and children would not poke fun at any Litvishe Gedolim. Lets stand together.. Israel News - Israel News, Analysis and Opinion on Israeli Politics, Business, Culture and Travel. Please ,Hashem have rachamanus on them they dont know better, A freilichen Purim to all my brothers from Chabad lubavitch, When the Rebbe was nistalek, Schachs followers danced in the street. I personally have a lot of respect for chabad activities as well as for the Rebbe. Two large, newly renovated battei medrash one for the mechina and one for the bais medrash and kollel, classrooms, dormitories, kitchen and dining facilities, ample outdoor recreational space and many amenities provide the talmidim with an ideal atmosphere that is most conducive for their growth in Torah and Avodah with minimal distraction. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. What was done is beyond unacceptable. we must do all we can to stop fights ner yisroel news. A picture of the REBBE hanging in a Litvisher Moised? You would never see this mockery of gedolim in a lubavitch school. Until they But we can see past it (Im not talking about the disrespect towards the Rebbe) and not let this get us down. Fake news. HaRav Boruch Neuberger is the son of HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, late Menahel of the Yeshiva. If you cannot beat em join em! Throughout its existence, the Yeshiva has developed, and continues to develop talmidim who are true ambassadors of Torah and Yiras Shomayim. To #2 i hope ur a 3 year old and not an adult bc this is not something a mature adult would see If I was the administrator of Ner Yishmael, I would bury my face in shame that my 11th graders are such incredible Amei Haaretz!!! How would the Rebbe have reacted to this fiasco? Give up their seats for the elderly? So definetly it was overdone a bit, and talking about the Rebbe is no small thing. It was done by 16-year-old kids who are in 11th grade, he said. The Rebbe, Shame on the students,shame on the school, shame on the parents and shame on the teachers and administrators who would tolerate such a disgusting action. I am of the opinion that nobody in Lubavitch has the power to forgive and forget any insults or abuse other than the victim. Even if there is differences of hashkafa, there is a general attitude of derech eretz and ahavas yisroel that would never allow lubavitch kids to act like this. Number 2, yes I agree that they should go to the ohel to apologize, AND no signature and using some Tanya ideas is adding insult to injury, that nobody signed the letter. Since Chabad is so full of love for other Jews they should not be penalized now. He was very happy to oblige, and I took it home at the end of the year. and in the gemara it says you should think of your leader as mashiach, Rabbi Simcha Cook ext. We gave the admin countless opportunities to do the right thing and formally issue an apology, but they clearly refuse. However, he did not apologize for its content, saying, It was a stupid little thing created by kids in school who put on Purim shtick.. The Rebbe is the Nasi Hador and to make a mockery is playing with Fire. At the conclusion of this period, the situation can be reevaluated. Boruch Hashem that our Chabad bochrim and girls are taught that Purim means running around on mivtzaim in a lchatchilla ariber way. I would never see such disgrace about other Gedolim! Hey, look at it this way: The Alter Rebbe writes in Tanya Perek 2, that , rebellious sinners receive their nurture from Hashem through the Nasi HaDor, the Rebbe in a backwards way, . Disavow, A slight turn, Bruchim bruchim kol hachassidim! The Yeshiva must assume some responsibility. Dont interfere between the Rebbe and the Shluchim The Menahels attitude is pathetic. Close the gemara andRead more . Maybe the Rebbe owns us more likely Yes 59 - the gyva is absolutely shocking "We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the "Purim shtick" that was done. The Rebbe is about ten thousand times greater then any otherRead more , shame on ner isreal.They are a choshesh onto am yisroel. This wasnt an offhand comment of superiority, but something delibirate. These are people who have their Judaism confused. Do we make fun of the Ltivishe in our homes/communities/schools? So yes, the Chassidic Ancestry is what to be proud of. Their neshomos are thirsting for chasidus. Beating around the busy and lying is worst than being quiet and us knowing whos responsible! How do you imagine the Rebbe would react to a move in the direction of shalom? We are all yidden. You can be a true emesdik tzaddik and/or talmid chochom without having any relationship with your rebbe or chassidus. These are the first words they told me we made bizyoinois of chabad. . do u learn sichos?, do you say chitas?? Thes boys should have it explained to them that theyRead more , The problem is, it was on school premises, seen by this Rabbi Cook & teachers, and was allowed to stay up. It might not have been done Leshem Shomayim, but it accomplished getting pictures of the Rebbe in their Mesivta. This shtick was not done with any hate in mind. You call and find out. They stood Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. To quote what I heard by someone with alot of pull in that circle You arent going to be come a Talmud Chochom anyways! In 92/95 years created a huge schism in the frum that they quoted Tanya sincerely. Thats a joke. Collive does a great service to Lubavitch but by no means to they represent it. bring the GEULAH NOW THIS was not a Purim joke this was VERY SERIOUS and TERRIFYING.. Its a bad mossad because they have sinah for chabad and made a mockery of the furtherance/outreach/kiruv to yiddishkeit. Without even a sorry. Some of them apologized. I feel bad for them that their Yiddishkeit allows them to mock other Jews to the extent that it has become so much a part of their thinking, that it passed as entertainment in their well reputed school. what makes you chabad? a freilichen shushan purim to you. Camp Sports strengthens their Yiddishkeit by providing them with a customized learning program in a fun setting of competitive sports and exciting trips. Maybe hang a cross as a Purim Shpil!? I have also composed a general encyclopedia of things you can do with your free time besides mocking Chabad. Lubavitch in Baltimore has their own separate school. Its genuinely funny. #14 They evidently have no first-hand experience with Chabad and obviously have never seen the Rebbe. to those who were offended grow a thicker skin, while the jokes were definitely distasteful, its not hateful. And then they hate. Despite the fact that I politely declined their kind offers, one Bochur took the initiative and brought me an ice cold can of soda. Each one presents his own individual approach andfocus. On the contrary, on numerous occasions I was thanked sincerely and politely by various bochurim for the work that I was doing. But if they ask us for forgiveness, theyve missed the point. This was childish and offensive. i.e social media. Like all matters of , theres always the danger of stumbling into the of the . Spot on. Plz take the letter down - its not an apology, Refuse to accept this apology until they go go ohel, Where is the BSD on the Top of the letter. Most of the 250+ yungeleit learn within the framework of a chabura that is focused on a specific miktzoa and led by a senior member of the Kollel, with guidance from the Rosh Kollel, Harav Ezra Neuberger. Rabbi Hochman has been an instructor with Ner Israel for more than 40 years and is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of Talmud and Jewish Jurisprudence. May we once again be to the !, Sign up for the COLlive Daily News Roundup and never miss a story. But some of it was seen as disrespectful, even derisive, with a photo of the Rebbe in a mikvah, an exhibit of send a fax straight to heaven #Rebbe,' using the Chabad acronym for a donkey without a knowledge, a sign BDH The Reba Died, a whack-a-hat station with a hammer and fedoras, as well as a mock cemetery. A group of bochurim who identified as students of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore visited the home of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Maryland, on Thursday. (thats besides for the yeshiva boys doing similar what encountered). We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. These kids are just korbanos Assuming that halacha is important to the hanhala then they know that even being nevaze a Yid who is not physically alive to ask mechila then they must go to their kever kal vechomer the Rebbe. Even after its up he doesnt know what it is because he doesnt have so much to do with the mechina. March 2, 2023. Mocking a tzadik or praising the tzadik doesnt change the tzadik. I am shocked that the Hanhalah is not taking any responsibility for the grave lack of Derech Eretz of their students.
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