1. Since 1946, the average midterm loss for the president's party is 25 seats. Today, there is a greater appreciation of the fact that not all biases are overt hostility based on a personal animosity toward members of a group. HLT 1353. chapter_12_answers - CHAPTER 12: CULTURE Multiple Choice 1. Sherif planned a disruption of the water supply in a Boy Scout camp in order to observe how social relationships are influenced by, Pablo and Sabina argued bitterly about which of them should have use of the family car that night. Social facilitation refers to the tendency to, Perform well learned tasks more effectively in the presence of others, Expert pool players were observed to make 71 percent of their shots when alone. b. the foot-in-the-door-phenomenon. b. Conformity What roles do the evoked set, inert set, and inept set take part in a consumer's information search? It pays the utility bill during July. The girls are reacting to: Your new roommate is from Ireland. They prescribe "proper" behavior. Prejudice. This experiment best illustrated the impact of, The discomfort we feel when 2 thoughts are inconsistent is called, Unconsciously mimicking those around us is known as the, We tend to feel cheerful around happy people and sad around depressed people. This best illustrates that victim blaming is fueled by: On your way to school one day, ask yourself how many types of vehicles breeze down Main St U.S.A., on the average? Dispositional (Internal) Attribution Theory. Ever since he received notice of his probation, Montel has become increasingly hostile toward racial minority students and staff on campus. This is an example of: Elena's boss fires her because he is downsizing his company. Peoples identities are multifaceted, intersecting across gender, race, class, age, region, and more. D) the belief that victims of misfortune deserve their fate. Altemeyer, B. The firm does the following: b. Greenwald, A. G., McGhee, D. E., & Schwartz, J. L. K. (1998). A unified theory of implicit attitudes, stereotypes, self-esteem, and self-concept. Do you know more people from different kinds of social groups than your parents did? (2010), since the Iraq war, Americans with a strong national identity expressed the most disdain for: People redirect their hostility when the cause of their frustration is intimidating or unknown. Also called the cross-race effct and the own-race . Similarly, Ecuador guarantees the fundamental right to sexual orientation and gender identity. a. more; less The deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with whom our lives are intertwined. It applies U.S. GAAP and reports in U.S. dollars. They have been chosen for their school team to participate in a math competition against other local schools. Common stereotypes of people from all sorts of categories and occupations turn out to classify them along these two dimensions (see Figure 1). Some of the jurors commented on the rape victim's history of going out to various bars and they said she had been dressed too provocatively; in other words, "looking like that," she had asked to be assaulted. b. deindividuation. C) a perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. This is an especially useful way to measure potential biases because it does not simply ask people to openly report on the extent to which they discriminate against others. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The tendency to favor one's own cultural group over other groups is known as ., The underlying reason why stereotype threat can undermine the performance of members of a group with respect to some ability is that the experience of stereotype threat fosters ., In individualistic cultures, what is NOT one of the four beliefs . This finding is an example of: In Europe, prejudice is often greater among those whose positive self-image is threatened. . a. Raised in a society that places a premium on individual achievement and uniqueness, Americans seem to develop a tendency to focus on the characteristics of the individual in making attributions. Indicators of aversive racism correlate with discriminatory behavior, despite being the ambiguous result of good intentions gone bad. Such a reaction will be ambiguous to both parties and difficult to interpret. Like SDO, there does appear to be an association between this ideology (i.e. We identify o we compare ingroup bias o tendency to. (1974). a. amygdala This is best illustrated in studies of, Prejudice is most likely to develop as a way of justifying, Most children believe their school is better than the other schools in town. c. The need to be accepted by others is a powerful motivating force. Turner, J. C. (1975). In the context of the relationship between religion and racial prejudice, if one defines religiousness as . b. the mere exposure effect. He is disheartened and feels frustrated but is unable to question his manager. But when he noticed several adults walk past the man, he concluded that the man did not need any help. to have power or mastery over. Participants paid $1 more likely to change their beliefs about the task. These small interactions can have devastating effects on the hopeful interviewees ability to perform well (Word, Zanna, & Cooper, 1974). Because the attributes of group categories can be either good or bad, we tend to favor the groups with people like us and incidentally disfavor the others. For example, a person might not have ever been to a Hindu wedding, but their experience of weddings as a general category can help them know what to expect and how to behave. She goes against the common idea of older adults as being weak or unhealthy. Social identity theory (Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, & Flament, 1971) describes this tendency to favor one's own in-group over another's outgroup. (tn dn si) n., pl. Thus, those high inSDO see groups as battling each other for these resources, with winners at the top of the social hierarchy and losers at the bottom (see Table 1). When are petty cash expenses recognized (at the time of establishment, reimbursement, or replenishment)? Iceland, for example, guarantees legal equality between men and women. This is the term that refers to a positive attitude . Do you or someone you know believe that group hierarchies are inevitable? On April 30, 2016, the petty cash fund contained vouchers totaling$171.40 plus $26.10 of currency. This shows that: The "we" aspect of our self-concept is what social psychologists call: people's motivation to avoid prejudice is internal. What does the term multicultural mean? Alex is likely to conform to their opinion if, He feels insecure in his role as a new member of the team, After hearing respected medical authorities lecture about the value of regular exercise, Raul, who has rarely exercised, begins to jog regularly. She is a skydiver as well as a tennis player. A belief that leads to its own fulfillment. The tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races. Psychology questions and answers. d. women tend to share similar attitudes about sex. Measured cognitive dissonance by paying participants to $1 or $20 to lie about the enjoyment of a dull task. d. aggression. Beth believes that all sorority members are unintelligent and self-centered. Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) is an ideology that emphasizes conformity or obedience to authority (Altemeyer, 1988). "teachers" were deceived and frequently subjected to severe stress. unconsciously mimicking others expressions, postures, and voice tones to help us feel what they are feeling, tendency to believe that something is true simply because it has been repeated many times, the tendency for people to take personal credit for success but blame failure on external factors. Examined the impact of social roles and authority on behavior with his famous Stanford Prison experiment. "Oh, no, never," the woman said. Sadly, this can result in consequential discrimination, such as allocating fewer resources to disliked outgroups (Rudman & Ashmore, 2009). (Mob Mentality), The enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group. Prejudice generally involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings, and a predisposition to discriminatory action, a generalized (sometimes accurate but often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people, unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members, Uspeople with whom we share a common identity, Themthose perceived as different or apart from our ingroup, the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame, the tendency to recall faces of ones own race more accurately than faces of other races. Right-wing authoritarianism, left-wing authoritarianism, and pandemic-mitigation authoritarianism. Ethnocentrism is the term that denotes this kind of behavior. Being audience-centered means a speaker must sacrifice what she or he really believes to get a favorable response from . Understand biases such as social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism. a. the bystander effect. The IAT measures how quickly you can sort words or pictures into different categories. They are Canadian, or fans of Manchester United, or are doctors. (Social) unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members. According to Lyons et al. With this preferential perspective for ones own group, people are not punishing the other one so much as neglecting it in favor of their own. b. hypothalamus In-group favoritism, sometimes known as in-group-out-group bias, in-group bias, intergroup bias, or in-group preference, is a pattern of favoring members of one's in-group over out-group members. Understandably, people from the first list of groups tends to score higher on SDO, while those from the second group tend to score lower. Refusing to hire qualified job applicants because of the color of their skin is to engage in: Nestor belongs to the cross-country ski club at his college but is not a member of the downhill ski club. Intergroup bias. D) Relating to several _____ is the tendency to attribute one's own characteristics to other people. the tendency to favor our own group. nearness; the greater the exposure one has to another person, the more one generally comes to like that person. . This module focuses on biases against individuals based on group membership and against groups. Unselfish regard for the welfare of others. Social trap where 2 prisoners are separated and have to consider the impacts of cooperating with their partner or competing to get the first confession. 97 terms. HLT. View Essay - chapter_12 from HLT 1353 at University of Houston. Despite its name, though, RWA is not necessarily limited to people on the right (conservatives). This best illustrates, Montel, a White university student, is on academic probation for poor grades. As a result, outgroup disliking stems from this in-group liking (Brewer & Brown, 1998). This best illustrates: b. conformity b. NIMBY, also spelled Nimby, in full Not in My Backyard or Not in My Backyard Phenomenon, a colloquialism signifying one's opposition to the locating of something considered undesirable in one's neighborhood. Idea that individuals pair up into relationships with people who are similar to their level of physical attraction. A tendency to favor one's own group is called: been more racially prejudiced than others. What entry (debit or credit) does the recipient record? Where slavery was practiced, prejudice ran strong. frustration-aggression principle., The tendency to favor one's own group, the group with whom we share a common identity, is called: a. a social trap. a. Chinese people tend to look pretty much alike. The tendency of people to believe that one gets what one deserves and deserves what one gets is called: In Harber's (1998) study, poorly written essays received high ratings if participants were led to believe they were written by Black students rather than White students. c. deindividuation. Was the White person right to avoid the situation so that neither person would feel uncomfortable? Model: Je vais visiter\ldots Je vais voir\ldots Je vais (faire)\ldots, Search words: myswitzerland.com: une histoire d'eau The theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame. For example, if two classes of children want to play on the same soccer field, the classes will come to dislike each other not because of any real, objectionable traits about the other group. Whenever this person encounters a person that is both left-handed and creative, they place greater . There are also lots of stereotypes regarding each race. Another case in which people judge other members of the ingroup very negatively occurs when a member of one's own group behaves in a . Explaining behaviors based on a person's characteristics; traits, maturity, etc. : Men are more intelligent. Group-serving bias (or ultimate attribution error). tendency. Groups give us a sense of social identity: a sense of belonging to the social world. These blatant biases tend to run in packs: People who openly hate one outgroup also hate many others. b. the just-world phenomenon. Researchers suggested three possible reasons that why watching TV is negatively linked to children's achievement. The tendency to favor ones own cultural group over other groups is known as A) elitism. For example, imagine that a person believes left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people. Here are some more examples that are actually prejudice, watch what you say!
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